Chapter 32: A Surprise Guest!

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Akria's POV

     Every step I take has a little jump in them that expresses the joy in me. It's hard to believe I'm finally going back to my country after years, but it's really happening. I giggle as I make my way to Kakashi-sensei's house. Fortunately, I meet the man himself on the way. "Kakashi!" I call out and run towards him so that we could walk side by side. He closes the book in his hand and looks at me in question, "Akira. What is it?"

     "Well..." I draw out as I run my hands through my hair. I don't exactly know how to tell this to him. In reality, as much as I am happy to go back to Kurisutaru, I know that I will be staying there. Regardless of the fact that I will be Queen or not, Kurisutaru is my home. And I am quite sad that I will be leaving Konoha. "Akira?" Kakashi brings me back from my thoughts. "Right," I nod, "I will be leaving for Kurisutaru tomorrow morning."

     The masked man stops dead in his tracks and stares at me in disbelief. I give him a small but excited smile, waiting for him to say something. He lets out a sigh before an outline of a smile is seen from behind his mask. I grin as we start walking again and turn around a corner. "That's... amazing, Akira. I'm happy for you. I didn't realize you would be going so soon."

     "I know," I agree with a breathy chuckle, "Believe me, I was as surprised as you were, if not even more." I stuff my hands in my pockets and sadly smile. I knew Kakashi was happy for me, but I also knew we shared the same bit of grief that came from the thought that we won't be seeing much of each other anymore. Must I remind you that I look up to Kakashi like a father, and him to me as a daughter? It's fairly obvious that we share a bond.

     "But I will be coming back after a week to report to Lady Tsunade," I shrug with a smile. He nods, "But you are planning to go back after you've reported? You're going to become a Queen." It was more of a statement than a question, but I wonder if I actually will. If things went well, then yes, I will be crowned as Queen. No matter what happens I will always belong to Kurisutaru. 

     I used to think that I no longer deserved to be called a princess, or be given the title of Queen. But Lady Tsunade gave me a letter from Kurisutaru that just washed away all my insecurities. I was young, and I didn't know what to do. I just followed orders from my family, and it was a good thing because now they have someone still alive with royal blood in their veins. I guess I kind of understand why they protected me. The letter motivated me a lot. It was from 'anonymous', who I would meet soon, and I couldn't wait to thank whoever it was.

     Turning to Kakashi, I smile, "Do you want to have a quick dinner at Ichiraku's?" Kakashi chuckles and leads the way. It's going to be our last meal together for a while. I grin as soon as I see the familiar pink and yellow mop of hair at the place already. I'm glad to see them now, so I can tell them, but I stop when I heard sadness in their voices. Kakashi looks at me, but doesn't go ahead either. Sakura and Naruto don't notice me yet, so I lay back to be unseen.

     "...Earlier today, Sasuke was wearing the same expression. That's why I think.." Sakura grimly trails off, causing me to briefly wonder about what she said earlier, but with Naruto's next words, I could guess. "Orochimaru, huh?" Naruto mumbles. I sigh and lean on the side of the shop, looking at Kakashi sadly. Kakashi just closes his eyes and shakes his head. He doesn't like this conversation either. Before we could go and interrupt, Naruto mentions something that throws us off. "I ran into him again a while back," Naruto mention, seriousness clear in his voice, "When I was searching for Old Lady Tsunade.. He's one dangerous dude."

     I glance at Kakashi to see if he knew anything about this, but he seems as surprised as I am with this news. I clear my head before dragging Kakashi into the shop. "Ichiraku-san! Good evening!" I greet as Kakashi sends a small wave. "Aki-chan! Kakashi-sensei!" Naruto and Sakura exclaim in unison. I grin at them before ordering my ramen and taking a seat beside Sakura. Naru turns to me with an apologetic expression, "Aki-chan, you were right. I took it too far with Sasuke today."  "As long as you understand. Anyway, I'm actually glad I ran into you guys here," I smile as I place my hands on my lap. Sakura and Naruto look at me curiously. "You see, I'll be leaving tomorrow morning. I'm going to visit my hometown."

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