Chapter 16: The Preliminary Rounds - Part II

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>>Pic of Kaori<<

Person's POV thoughts: Italic

Sukai's dialogue: Italic and Bold

My thoughts: (Bold with Brackets)

Akira's POV 

     "This guy...Gaara. The sand just protects him like it has a mind of it's own, huh? Could it be that..?" I mumbled out my thoughts. The fight between Gaara and Lee were taking place, and Lee just broke his sand armor, which just patched up immediately with the sand in his gourd. 

     He has Shukaku sealed in him. 

     The one-tailed beast? I thought so.

     Be wary of him. It looks like Shukaku has affected him far too much. He has a lot of bloodlust.

     Yeah. I think I figured that out on my own.

     Just warnin' ya


     It's unfortunate that Lee lost, but what's even worse is that he'll probably never be able to fight again. When Lee pummeled him after opening 5 of the inner gates, I truly believed it was over. But then Gaara, with the remaining strength he had, made his sand wrap around Lee's right leg and right hand. Then he did Sand Coffin, and crushed those two limbs of Lee's. And even after that he wasn't done. He was about to kill him completely! I was about to step in but thankfully, Guy did that.

     The next fight was a blonde guy, who I recognized to be Daiki, vs another sand nin. Looks like she's Daiki's teammate. Tough luck. I wouldn't be able to fight one of my teammates - that's for sure. The Suna girl had beautiful long red hair and a nice sense of fashion. Honestly, she was the prettiest girl I've ever seen. I mean, who has golden eyes??? If I were a boy, I would kill for her.

     ...or maybe not. Damn triggers, I won't ever kill again.

     "Kaori...I wish it wasn't this way," Daiki said with an apologetic expression. While the girl, Kaori, looked at him with determination. " too," her eyes softened. "Daiki. I-I love you. But I know you would want me to try my hardest. That's why, I won't give up. I will fight. I will beat you!" She took her stance. Daiki was surprised with her statement, and did take a second to get it together. But nevertheless, he smirked, "I wouldn't want it any other way!"

     "You may begin!" the proctor shouted and stepped aside. Kaori immediately went into action, doing a few hand signs and whispered something to herself before two spheres formed around her fists. It started vibrating, and I could scarcely see electricity going about it. She shot them towards Daiki, but he was ready with a wind jutsu.

     The wind cancelled out the lightning and headed straight for Kaori. She put up two kunai in order to block, but most of it affected her. She slammed into the wall with a grunt. I caught Daiki having a slight wince at hurting his teammate, but covered it up with a smirk.

     Kaori didn't end it there, but stood up with a thoughtful expression on her face. "Let's get to the real stuff.." I hardly heard her say. She put her fists together and mumbled something I couldn't hear. You see, there's a smart girl right there. (If it's really that necessary to say your jutsu out loud, then) Whisper your jutsu so the enemy doesn't know what's coming. Though sometimes that's unnecessary. And Daiki is her teammate. 

     A sphere formed in her hand before expanding. Her blonde teammate widened his eyes as he jumped back and pressed himself close to the wall. The sphere kept expanding, already surrounding half the area where they were fighting, with Kaori in it doing a one handed hand sign to keep it up. It expanded even more till it almost got Daiki in. Almost.

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