82. Moonlight

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Mickey's P.O.V

"WATCH ME!" Luke sassed as he ran out of the room hollering like a lunatic at 10 in the morning towards the elevators. Harry and Caitlyn rushed out of their room still half asleep.
"What's going on?"
"STOP HIM!" I yelled chasing after him. He quickly jumped his long body into the elevator as the three of us caught up- but before I could jump in he blew me a kiss as the metal shafts sealed.
"You bitch!" I yelled as I heard laughs slowly fading down.
"What are you two fighting about now?" Harry says trying to keep Caitlyn awake.
"He took my 6 inch blue suede interlaced front platform Pumps!"
"English Babe English" Harry giggled.
"He took my shoes!!!"
"Your shoes?"
"Yeah he said he refuses to let me own anything that makes me equal height as him- so he ran out of the room to who knows where!" Suddenly Caitlyn was wide awake.
"LETS GO!" Me and her bolt to the stairs as we leave Harry behind.
"I'm so lost right now.." He said going back into the room. We hurry down, still in our pajamas, to the lobby.
"MOVE" I ran pushing down three people with suitcases, everyone looking at us like were crazy. We ran out the hotel, Caitlyn passing me just by a little as we ran as fast as we could down the street as Radom people mumbled around us in Italian.
"I THINK I SEE HIM!" Quickly, Caitlyn ran towards a tall figure with blonde hair screaming.
"GIVE THEM BACK!" She said tackling the figure to the ground. When the face turned we realized it was not Luke, just an innocent bystander.
"I'm SO sorry I thought you were someone else" she blushed. I wanted to pee myself of laughter but there was no time- I heard someone laughing in the distance, I know that beautiful laugh.
"YOU!" I shouted at him helping Caitlyn back up. His laughing smile faded into panick as he ran through the park.
"YOU GET BACK HERE" I sped towards him until finally I jumped on his back tackling to the ground.
"Hey at least you got the right person" Caitlyn said catching her breathe.
"Jesus woman, I've never seen you run like that"
"I take my shoes seriously"
"I should steal your shoes more often"
He said hugging me lower onto the ground.
"See I love you so much I helped you both work out"
"I'll end your life hemmings!" Caitlyn tried saying through her heavy breathing.
"Now give me the shoes!" I said snatching them out of his hands.
"Fine, you win! Just crouch in pictures okay!!!" He says helping me up. What a crazy morning.

Finally, we went back into the hotel. Sweaty, dirty and covered in leaves and in C's case, shame, we tumbled out the elevator into the room where Harry was eating some cereal.
"Whoa, did you three get hit by a bus?"
"Yes, a bus of defeat.." Luke chuckled as I placed a kiss on his cheek.
"Don't ask Hazza"
"Wasn't planning on it" he said scooping some fruity pebbles into his mouth and laughing.
"So how's your butt?" Luke sassed.
"Good! Because I've been looking forward to tonight"
"Lucas, you do remember what tonight is right?" He scoffed.
"Pff, duh of course I do I wouldn't miss it for the world!" He said grabbing me by the hips and hugging me as he gently caresses my hair.
"Yup, can't wait"
"So where are we going?"
"T-to the place thing.."
"Luke y-"
"Shhhhhhh Kiss me" he connects our lips to avoid me pointing out his stupidity. He smiles into the kiss as I pull apart.
"I love you" he giggled engulfing me in a hug.
"I love you too, even though your an idiot, I still tolerate you"
"Shut up you couldn't live without me"
"I know I couldn- your the one who flew across the world to see me!"
"Exactly babe, exaclty" I playfully push him off and sit down on the counter top.
"Any who, it starts at 6 and I wanna her there before all the good gongulas are taken" Caitlyn says sitting in front me, Harry slowly massaging her shoulders.
"Don't worry, I've got everything covered." He winks at me.
"Why does that worry me.."
"Relax! I got this M" we kinda just hung out the rest of the morning. Finally time came round so we started getting ready. I was wearing a short maroon sweater dress with 3/4 sleeves, my music note choker, my black converse and a really long straightened ponytail with strands of hair and bangs In the front. My makeup was my basic all natural bronzer and black eyeliner with a hint of plump taint. Luke was wearing a black and white striped elbow length shirt with his black jeans and black converse, hair perfectly swooped and lip ring perfectly aligned. Caitlyn wore a little black dress with a vintage colonial white collar and high length boots all topped of with a nice barrette and her long hair down and curled, and a nice faint light shade of red lipstick and laced white gloves. Harold went for the classic blue jumper with airplane necklace and black jeans, his hair down and waved and some black low cut Chelsea boot.
"Guys let's go where gonna be late!" Caitlyn sassed as she pulled Harry by the belt loop out the door. I still taking my time on my makeup and hair.
"She's really excited isn't she?"
"Yeah I know ri- Mitchie!"
"What Lucas?"
"Why do you always ruin your face by putting all that crap on, your covering the good stuff!!" Luke said snatching my makeup bag angrily.
"There's no such thing as good stuff without it!" I say stealing if away.
"Girls like you piss me off" he scoffs rolling his eyes.
"Girls like me?"
"Yes! Helplessly beautiful, so drop dead gorgeous that I find myself with lack of oxygen at the sight of you yet your completely oblivious about it"
"Thank you?" I say closing my mascara.
"Don't get me wrong, you look beautiful with or without it. I just like it natural because it's you" he says grabbing my hands.
"Well I guess your just gonna have to suffer now aren't you?"
"I suppose so" he says in defeat. If there is one thing you learn being in Caitlyn's glorious shadow all of Junior High is how to always be right. We walk out to meet C and H where they were patiently, well Harry patiently, waiting for us to sit in the trolley with them. The whole drive Harry was cracking horrible knock knock jokes while Caitlyn scrolled through I funny and Luke and I talked about our goals on this trip. Finally once the stars crept into the sky, we arrived to a small grassy area with a few trees and benches- a sidewalk with tables full of food, drinks and deserts; a giant lake filled with gongulas that ported into the main hall of Rome all over the city. There were sting lights, accordions and luckily chocolate covered strawberries.
"Only I'm Italy man" Harry said devouring three.
"When in Rome!" I say joining in.
"Hey caitlyn, can I row?"
"Sure, as long as we don't flip over"
"I can't make any promises!" He said feeding her a strawberry.
"Okay then let's go!" He said picking her up bridal style and running towards the lake. It was such a cute moment I'm glad Jane is no where around to pester the night.
"May I?" Luke says suggestively. I just roll my eyes playfully as Luke hoists me into his arms with a manly grunt and runs toward the blue one. Before we go we made sure I had a full tray of food, two glasses of Champange, and that we took at least 7 couple goals pictures. The moon was shining on Luke's skin, his blue eyes competing with the lake water, his muscular arms rowing the boat farther and farther from shore, he looks over at me and just smiles the biggest smile in the world.
"Did you ever imagine that you'd be boating in the middle of the Greek Island waters with the random punk kid from year 10?"
"No, but I wouldn't want it any other way" I say throwing him a marshmallow as he perfectly catches it.
"We've all grown up so much.."
"Yet you never fail to surprise me"
"What can I say, I was raised by Caitlyn Horan, hehe"
"Oh Caitlyn..I remember Harry just going on and on and on about her. For literally hours just non stop bla bla bla"
He laughed.
"Those two..they hated each other! I mean so did we but look how it all turned out"
"I never hated you Mickey" he said with a serious face.
"Luke..c'mon you know how things were, how you were."
"I never in my life hated you"
"You sure had a funny way of showing it, I mean you called me pathetic, you out eggs in my hair and you-"
"Yes I know but never did I hate you. Hating you is the last thing on earth I wanna do. You know you can't say that stuff around me." He said very seriously as he stared at me.
"I know it's just you were monster scary" he stared to the ground.
"D-do you still see him sometimes. . "
"What do you mean?"
"Him, the Luke I was. Do you still see me as him sometimes. Is it hard to forget the things I...did..to you?" I said beginning to choke.
"Well, of course not. In fact sometimes I feel like it never even happened. When we broke up though.."
"I'm so so sorry about that, you know that with every thing in me I regret everything" he said grabbing my hands.
"I don't.......I wouldn't change a single thing about how we met. I love you"
He smiled at the ground.
"I love you too, so damn much. I'm telling you woman, if you aren't meant to be my wife I don't know who is " he grabbed the two glasses of Champange and handed one over to me.
"A toast" he said pulling me over to his side.
"Here's to teenage memories" he said intertwining our hands.
"And for those to come" suddenly there were lights all around us, low talking and a light band playing.
"Holy shit when did we make it to the city!!" I say admiring the music.
"I guess time flies when your in love"
He blushes at his own corny joke.
"I guess it does...cheers"
"Cheers" he says winking at me as he chug down the glass.
"Whoa..you take it easy!! I am not dealing with 'Luukeeeyy' tonight!" He says taking the glass away from me and grabbing my chin to face him.
"By the way, you look absolutely beautiful Mickey, I am so lucky"
"Even with the makeup?"
"Yes, even with the makeup" he says bopping some whip cream on to the tip of my nose.
"Well you don't look too and yourself Mr. Hemmings" I say adding some to his cheek.
"Hey, when in Rome.." He smirks as he slaps half a key lime pie into my face.
"LUCAS! There are people around!" I say slapping my own slice on to him.
"Damn you bitch, even with our in your face you look good. I hate you"
"So you can hate me!! See I'm always right!" I say in his face.
"Oh Michelle, you've never been so damn wrong" he places both messy hands on my face as he slowly kisses some on the pie off my face.
"This was fun, better than I thought"
"Just wait till the next art hall..it'll be great!" Suddenly he began to laugh uncontrollably.
"You wanna know what's great" he laughed.
"That!" He points behind me through the tears. I turn around to see what's so funny and- Oh no...

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