103. Water

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Caitlyn's P.O.V

I'm so relieved that everything has slowly been going back to normal. It's now been two days since Harry's been home and everyone Is acting like nothing happened. Luke doesn't wanna talk about the fact that he doesn't want children with Mickey, almost killed himself and Harry; Mickey doesn't want to talk about the fact that her backstabbing boyfriend almost killed himself and her best Friend while loosing a baby; and Harry doesn't want to talk about the fact that his best friend almost killed him. But is there really much to talk about- YES! I'm glad everyone is so calm about everything I just don't understand why. And I hate not understanding things. My personal feelings aside I guess it's for the best we all just decided to move on. That is- except for Harry. He Is taking advantage of his injury WAYYY too much..and I like it.

"Caitlyn do you mind getting me some more water"

"You have some right there"

"But this one is room temperature now and I like cold water"

"Well that's too bad isn't it"

"It's just water Caitlyn"

"No it's you taking advantage of the situation!" He smirked.

"You'd do it"

"Whatever Harry" I said rolling my eyes refusing to give in.

"Please..for me"

"Tempting..but no"

"But I love you so much" he pouted and  batted his eyelashes like a puppy.

"That's sweet..but No" I grinned, "and you know puppy dog eyes don't work on me anyways!" I say ruffling his hair.

"Maybe this will" he leaned over to kiss me but pulled back hissing in pain.

"Awee baby..okay I'll get you your water Harry" I said feeling bad for pushing him to pain. He chuckled as I came back with his water.

"Haha you fell for it..works every time"

"I can't believe you would actually use your pain against me" I frowned.

"I'm sorry..are you mad at me?" He giggled.

"Yes I am Harry, don't ever mess with me like that you know I hate it when your in pain" I said in complete seriousness. He frowned at me biting his lip.

"I'm sorry C, I didn't mean to scare you" he said kissing my hands.

"You know Harry, nobody wants to talk about it but do you have any idea what it felt like to hold your lifeless body in my arms. To s-see you collapse into your knees, and those brown eyes roll to the back of your head like that-"

"Stop Caitlyn" he said removing my hands from my face.

"I will never understand what that felt like, but I really hope I never have to" he said pulling me into him.

"I'm Sorry I made a joke about it, I would never want to put you through that again C. Never." He said kissing the back of my head.

"It's okay, I'm just glad your okay" I smiled interlocking our hands.

"Now drink your stupid water!" I said play slapping his chest as he laughed.

• • • •
Mickey's P.O.V

"It's easy just push off from your heels and jump!"

"Your gonna drop me!!"

"I promise you I'm not gonna drop you Mick just trust me on this!"

"No, only Patrick Swayze can do it!"

"Wanna bet?" He said excitedly.

"Okay fine!" Luke and I had just finished watching dirty dancing and he wanted to do the jump. Scared out if my mind I agreed only because of how happy it made him, could you blame me? I miss seeing his dorky smile. It's now or never, I make my way to the room door and run towards him, instantly he lifts me up but we tumble right Forward onto the bed.

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