Distant Death

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~First-Person Narration: Jasmine~

???: “Places, everyone, places!”

    Yup. That was Daniel. He was . . . well, a tad eccentric to put it nicely. Okay, some days, I was pretty sure he was borderline crazy, but that didn’t matter. He was a good guy, and he was always looking for new things to do. He may have stayed up ‘till five or so in the morning only to get up at six three or four days a week, but he was a nice guy.

Daniel: “Jasmine! Do you remember your scene here?”

    He called to where Angela was doing my makeup diligently. She always insisted that she do it, and quite frankly, she was talented. Always brought out highlights in my skin, or made my eyes or lips pop and make it look natural.

Jasmine: “Course, Danny! Be there in a minute!”

    Angela just rolled her eyes.

Angela: “You don’t have to be so nice to him, Sugar. He’s just an overtired maniac.”

    She dusted a bit more powder on.

Jasmine: “Oh, come on, Angie. He’s a sweetheart.”

Angela: “He’s crazy is what he is.”

    I smiled; she and Daniel always acted like they hated each other, even though I was certain they got along swimmingly when no one was watching.

Daniel: “Angela! Get my girl over here now!”

    Yup. It was one of those days. I laughed when he called me ‘his girl’. He wasn’t actually staking a claim on me or anything, he was just that kind of person. Anyone he worked with was ‘his girl’ or ‘his boy’. Like I said, eccentric.

    And lately, as in, pretty much my entire movie career, I was his ‘number one girl’. He hated when other directors or producers tried to recruit me. I remember one time when he nearly lost it and tried to call the police.

    Of course, that was one of his sleep-deprived days, but still.

Angela: “Shut up, Daniel! I’m almost done!”

    Angela’s response only made me laugh more. She was just as crazy as he was, I was certain of it. But hey, if you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em.

Jasmine: “Would you two quit acting crazy and hateful? We all know you love each other!”

    Yeah. I just went there. And they. Were. Stunned.

    I was actually pretty sure Angela was trying to refrain from hitting me in the back of the head, which just made me laugh.

Jasmine: “Kidding! Kidding! Now if we’re done, let’s shoot the scene!”

    Angela looked at me crookedly, but couldn’t stop a smile and shake of her head.

Angela: “And I said he was crazy.”

    She pointed to the set.

Angela: “Get out there before I really lose it, you nutball.”

    Hey, they weren’t yelling at each other any more, right?

    Daniel just stared at me as I made my way over to the set. We were shooting the distant death scene today, so we were set up for a hotel bedroom. I sat down on the bed, and the lights were dimmed.

    I then crawled under the covers and ‘acted’ like I was sleeping. Quite frankly, I don’t think it takes much to feign sleeping, so I don’t really consider it acting.

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