. . . Of Broken Sparks

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Sunny: "BECK-."

Sunny was literally blown away as Shockwave emerged from the darkness, his tall, bulky, though less so than Breakdown, form imposing upon them.

ShockWave: "Your rescue is illogical. Cellina belongs to me."

Orion scowled at the scientist as he strode over to Sunny, taking her in his arms again. He lowered his voice as he held her.

Orion: “Stay calm, little girl . . . Stay calm . . . Look for a weak spot while I distract him . . .”

He huffed as he stalked around where Red was being held. Precious seconds were ticking away. He had to figure something out, had to piece it together. More so, he had to shatter the device. He glared at ShockWave.

Orion: “You cannot possess a sentient being, ShockWave.”

He scolded gently, calmly, always looking for a weakness, though he kept the majority of his gaze on ShockWave himself. Sunny noticed a spot where the wires joined and began to try and cut them.

Jasmine snarled, actually snarled in her hatred of BombShell and her immense frustration. She lunged at the blonde woman, pinning her to the ground. She couldn’t help herself. She knew what Meggy had said about Bombshell’s power, but what was she expected to do? Just forget about Jay and Jade and Blaze? Not a chance.

Jasmine: “What have you done with my babies? I swear to AllSpark, I swear to Pit, I swear to Primus himself I will rip out your throat if you hurt them!”

Bombshell laughed, the sound infuriating and frustrating and overall just grating on Jasmine’s nerves.

BS: "Oh I'd rather not say . . . Makes this more interesting."

She chortled with an evil grin.

BS: "Go ahead, just try to kill me. In five minutes, the world will be mine!"

    Jasmine screamed, raising her fist, every intent running through her processor to bash Bombshell’s skull in. But something else happened. Her fist paused. Her expression calmed. She looked at the blonde woman beneath her with nothing more than just a calm disinterest.

Jasmine: “You will not use me for your plans.”

    She told her plainly, standing and walking a fair distance from Bombshell, ignoring the blonde woman’s presence entirely. Her emotions wouldn’t be used that way. StarBreak’s emotions wouldn’t be used that way, though the long-gone femme screamed deep inside her, begging for vengeance, her pleas didn’t get far. Everything was calm inside Jasmine again. Though she hadn’t a clue why.

    Orion ran for ShockWave, striking the scientist’s jaw firmly. But he did it with an immense calm. He was level-headed and even, calculating his moves and strikes as much as he had when he were Cybertronian. He was still a Prime. He could still do this. And he could do it with ease. All he had to do was buy Sunny time to work on those wires.

Sunny sliced through them and it shut down. As Optimus delivered the finishing blow, Sunny broke the glass and an exhausted, terribly weakened Red fell into her arms.

Sunny: "Oh Becky!!!"

Meggy however, managed to break free and charge, but found herself caught in Bombshell's grasp.

BS: "So you're not going to be a part of my 'plan' eh? Fine! I just need her anyway!"

Meggy's body began to glow as Bombshell extracted her spark. Jasmine huffed, glaring at the blonde woman.

Jasmine: “I don’t think so, Darling.”

A string shot out from above Bombshell’s body, far above, and wrapped around her neck. Jasmine gripped the other end and she pulled, bit by bit, raising her off the ground, waiting to hear her choke and gasp, a cold calm creeping through her bones and veins.

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