Stay Awhile

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    Jasmine sighed, getting into the truck with Orion, staring out the window as he drove them back into town, down to the cafe. She hardly paid attention when they came to a stop. He had to place a hand on her shoulder to get her attention.

Orion: “Jasmine . . .”

Jasmine: “What . . . ?”

    He smiled weakly, nodding out his window at the building across the street.

Orion: “We’re at the cafe . . .”

    She glanced and nodded, sliding out of the truck and heading in with Orion, waving at Jimmy as the pair walked past, unlocking the staircase and walking up. When she got to the rooftop, she paused before sitting down. He sat across from her, taking her hand.

Orion: “Are you feeling okay, Jasmine . . . ?”

Jasmine: “Just . . . Thinking . . .”

    She kept her gaze down, and he squeezed her hand gently, causing her eyes to flick up to his face.

Orion: “What’s on your mind, Jasmine . . . ?”

    She sighed, closing her eyes briefly before letting her eyes stray up to the sky.

Jasmine: “I . . . I think I took something very serious for granted for too long . . .”

    He frowned as she sighed, green eyes softening as they wavered.

Jasmine: “Akane’s a good man . . . And I . . . apparently he had some . . . suspicions about his past . . . and they included me . . . And so I wonder how much it must have hurt to see me date all those men . . . And to see me with you . . . Or the letters . . . How much did I hurt him over all these years . . . ? And now . . . I may have lost him . . . Even if it’s just as a friend . . . Have I driven him away . . . ?”

    She knew she was rambling, but she couldn’t help herself. The words were just rolling out of her mouth a they slipped into her mind. It bothered her that Akane had gone from hinting that he thought she was his wife years ago . . . to kissing another woman. She respected his right to have relationships, but the drastic change made her wonder if she’d done something horrible that had driven him off. Was she that horrible to be around . . . ?

    Orion sighed, sliding his hand over her cheek slowly.

Orion: “Jazz . . . What did he say to you earlier . . . ?”

    She shook her head, doing her best to shake off the feeling that Akane was just going to . . . forget about her . . . After all these years, was that even possible? Surely not . . . They’d been through so much . . . Including a few attempts on her life.

Jasmine: “He just had some suspicions about the past . . . Ones that he doesn’t seem to care a whole lot about anymore . . .”

    She sighed, shaking her head again.

Jasmine: “I’m sorry. I’m just . . . A little out of it right now, I guess. I’m not trying to obsess.”

    Orion smiled weakly, nodding.

Orion: “Good . . . Because Jimmy’s been waiting to take our order . . .”

    Jasmine blinked, looking up to her right. When had Jimmy come up?

Jasmine: “S-Sorry . . . I’ll just have the usual, Hon . . .”

Orion: “Whatever you’ll recommend, James.”

    Jimmy nodded, scratching a few things onto the notepad before disappearing back down the stairwell. Jasmine looked down, letting a hand slide through her hair.

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