This Isn't Impossible

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    Jasmine sighed, drumming her fingers against the desk in her trailer. She was so, so tired . . . She glanced back at the TV, where another song was starting up. She couldn’t bring herself to change the channel. She’d come to her trailer to escape all the cooing her coworkers had produced at the spectacle Orion was producing. She needed to be alone, to think, before she just . . . ran off . . .

    No matter how much she wanted to, she was holding back from sprinting down the streets to the cafe. It wasn’t that far of a trip, really, less than a mile . . . She could close it in ten minutes or less, depending on if she went at a brisk walk or jog. But she couldn’t. Not yet. She had to know what she was getting into if she went, and she wasn’t certain of that at the moment.

???: “Oh, Darrrrllliiiinnngggg!”

    Jasmine raised a brow, making an odd face at the sound of his voice. Daniel opened the door to her trailer with a broad grin. She turned and looked at him, obviously not looking too pleased.

Daniel: “Oh, don’t look at me like that, Girl! Did you see that serenade? Absolutely breathtaking! Why are you still sitting here and not running down the streets calling his name like it was your personal salvation? Because it may very well be.”

    He winked at her, grinning, and laughed when she faked a disgusted look at him.

Daniel: “You little faker!”

    He took her face in his hands with a smile.

Daniel: “You little . . . Girl you’re going to drive me crazy, you know that? That man, that man is out on the street with who knows how many cameras on him as he does his best to serenade you! You! Who, on this crazy, godforsaken Earth, is EVER going to love you like that man loves you? How many times does a love like that even take place, Jazz? How many? I could count the times on one hand. So if you think you’re going to just sit here and act like he is not head-over-heels for you, and you aren’t head-over-heels for him, then you are the craziest woman I have ever met. I’ll give you an hour to be out of here. It doesn’t matter where you go . . .”

    His eyes flicked to the television, where a few more chords were beginning to start. Test chords. He smiled.

Daniel: “But I definitely know where you should be going if you give an ounce of care to your personal happiness . . . Then I know where you will be going . . .”

    Without giving her the chance to speak, Daniel left, and Jasmine’s eyebrows stitched together at his quick departure. She sighed, turning her attention to the screen again, just to hear Orion begin singing again.

Orion: Hey, One day to get it all right,

Two wrong and not enough right,

Three words you said in the night,

Before we held the fire,

High five me brother it's amazing,

Her six shooter came out blazing,

7 up and coke on the pavement,

Ate my heart out daily baby.”

    She laughed gently. He certainly had a way with words, now didn’t he . . . ‘Six shooter’ . . . It made her chuckle . . . And yet . . .

“Hey I love, Hey I need you,

Hey I want you do you want me too?”

    Did he really just . . . ? She shook her head. It was part of the song. What did it matter if he’d just said he loved her on live TV? It wasn’t anything major, right . . . ?

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