When The Darkness Comes

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    True to his word, Orion was gone well before Jasmine woke. It was bittersweet as she sat up, blanket clutched to her body, and she wasn’t quite sure what to think of it. If he’d been anyone else, she would’ve suspected him of running off. He’d made a promise, and kept it efficiently, though she still ached for him. For the comfort he gave, through both body and soul. He always managed to take away the pain, no matter how much echoed through her and made her physical form sore with the emotional aches.


    She lay on top of him, shivering, trembling despite the heat. He held her closer, pressing her bare form against his, the small sliver of moonlight that shone through the window the sole source of illumination.

Orion: “Ssshhh . . . I’ve got you, Jasmine . . .”

    She nodded gently, unable to speak, her body and endorphins still running high after what they’d just done. She couldn’t really believe they’d done that yet again. Whatever was between them seemed to ignite something whenever he got too close. She didn’t mind, yet she couldn’t quite explain it to herself, or anyone else for that matter. The blankets, or really, the sheet and the comforter were pulled up over them, his warm hand against the center of her back, over her spine.

    She let her eyes close as she nuzzled against his skin, taking in his scent, something light and faint was added to his normal body odor, making him smell naturally musky. It was an airy smell, only identifiable as actually being there in short bursts, otherwise it seemed like his natural scent. And she loved it. She loved everything about him, really . . . She just loved him . . . and for some reason that realization wasn’t something she could easily admit. She wanted to, and yet . . . It didn’t seem plausible. Or feasible. Eve if he had already said the same about her.

    They lay in silence for a while, just breathing against each other, the silence filling their lungs, the room with ease, even while their children, unknown to them, were beginning to vanish. They didn’t know what time it was, they didn’t care. Seconds ticked away, minutes, neither really wanting to fall into a slumber and know that when they woke, Orion would have to leave. Jasmine gripped the sheets, wanting to tell him so horribly that he didn’t have to leave, that she wanted him to stay.

    But part of her refused. Part of her wouldn’t let the words leave her mouth. Orion sighed as he kissed her forehead, knowing both from the surge in her spark and the pained look in her eyes, dim as the light was, that she was having problems voicing her desires. He knew it wasn’t easy for her, though he couldn’t quite fathom why. Neither could she, though she desperately longed to.

Orion: “I’ll always love you, Jasmine . . . You know that, don’t you?”

    She nodded gently, still not quite able to speak her concerns or her desires to him.  She wanted to, longed to, and yet, it never seemed appropriate. Her mouth opened just slightly, paused, and shut again, frustrated at her own inability to speak her mind. It shouldn’t be this hard, it should be easy. She should be able to tell him everything and anything. She knew she loved him, and yet . . .

Jasmine: “Orion I kissed another man.”

    It wasn’t what she’d wanted to say, she’d wanted to tell him, simple and plain, ‘I love you, too’, but that hadn’t happened. It was eating her at her mind and it had fallen out of her mouth like a ton of bricks. He watched her, calculating before speaking again.

Orion: “Who did you kiss, Jasmine?”

    Well, technically, it was two men she’d kissed recently that weren’t him. She felt awful about blowing up on him for one measly kiss, especially when he claimed he hadn’t reciprocated, and she’d instigated on both.

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