Can't Be Moved

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Orion, operating on minimal sleep yet still functioning quite well, was getting his things together, and then some. He’d gone back to his apartment, showering, grabbing Harley and heading back out with a few extras in tow. He went back through town, a nagging thought in the back of his mind, but the rest of him was buzzing too much to pay much notice to it. He’d contacted a few choice news stations, leaving detailed instructions, however vague.

    He smiled as he parked a few blocks from the cafe, searching for one of those ‘undiscovered’ young guitar players that were always in the area, hoping some music mogul would find them and make them rich and famous. It wasn’t hard before he found a girl who couldn’t have been older than seventeen, who was apparently a fan of his, and Jasmine’s for that matter, as he discovered when he began talking to her. Her name was Mindy.

Mindy: “Oh, my, gosh. You’re doing WHAT?”

    Her eyes lit up as he explained the situation, and the fact that he was more than willing to pay for her assistance in making it a reality. She let out a small squeal.

Mindy: “That is sooooo romantic! How did you two meet? Was it some dating website? Did you stumble across each other like one of her films? Oh, was it just like Once More? How long have you two been dating? Are you gonna get married?”

    She babbled quite a bit, probably could’ve kept going for hours, and that made Orion chuckle. The sound made the brunette girl quite self-conscious all of a sudden.

Mindy: “Oh, gosh. Sorry. I’m just so excited, I mean, I’ve never met either of you, but I adore both of you, I mean, you’re so talented and you kick ass! And she’s just so . . .  Well, she’s her! And now I get to help you serenade her on live TV! This is just incredible! Thank you so much! You don’t even have to pay me this is like a dream come true, you know?”

    She paused, blushing, blinking slowly, realizing she’d gone off again, a noticeable habit of hers. She struck the base of her palm to her forehead.

Mindy: “I am such a dope! I’m sorry, I just . . . I’m sorry!”

    Orion just smiled, shaking his head gently.

Orion: “That’s quite all right, Mindy. Trust me.”

    He quickly rattled off a few songs he wanted her to play, luckily, she knew all but two, which were ones he was less set on than the others. Two were absolutely critical in his eyes, optics, that Jasmine heard. And thanks to their bond, though he didn’t understand how it worked, he would be able to time it perfectly. And that thought was magical. He would be able to make this perfect for her, to make her understand exactly how he felt.

    Mindy nodded her affirmation, striking a few chords here and there, brown eyes bright when Orion smiled his approval at her ability to play. She was quite talented, really. He imagined it was only a matter of time before she had a record deal. Orion walked back to his truck across the street and down about twenty feet, he got the massive Harley out, and Mindy screamed excitedly.


    Orion chuckled, amused at her enthusiasm with everything. He led Harley over by his leash, keeping him calm though the dog desperately wanted to greet the enthusiastic girl with energy to match.

Mindy: “Can I pet him?”

    She asked Orion, almost completely in awe of Harley in general. Or maybe it was the fact that she was working with her favorite MMA fighter to serenade her favorite actress on TV that was still sinking in with her. Either way, she was delighted and couldn’t imagine anything better at this point in her young life.

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