Why Don't You . . .

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Angel sighed, gazing into the UP, having seen the entire ordeal. It reminded her of something that had happened a long time ago. Back when Cora was her sister, not Bombshell.

Colonel Leland Bishop watched as, from the stasis pods he'd placed them in, stepped out his perfect creations. His 'daughters' that he'd found in the desert. He knelt down as they walked out. He spoke quietly to them.

???: "Hello. I am your creator, Silas."

The younger one, with icy-blue eyes stepped forward.

???: "Hi."

She said shyly. The elder watched him skeptically, simply nodding to him, grey eyes curious. He held out his hands to them.

Silas: "Your names are Angelina."

He looked at the elder, then the younger.

Silas: "And Coralline. My perfect creations. My daughters."

Angel: "Angelina . . . ? Quite a mouthful . . . I don't like it, Daddy . . . Too long . . ."

The word came to her naturally, without any thought on her part.

Cora: "I like mine!" The other pouted.

He chuckled at their reactions.

Silas: "I suppose Angela is good. And, you'll be Cora for short."

Cora: "It's still pretty!"

She declared, then smirked at her sister. Angela rolled her eyes at her younger sister.

Angel: "Where are we?"

Silas: "Here on earth, with me. I brought you back to life with my DNA. You two are the perfect meld of human and machine."

He scooped up the youngest.

Cora: "Daddy!"

She giggled, eyes bright. Angela watched them cautiously, then looked around their surroundings.

Angel: "Do you know where we come from . . . ? Or what we are . . . ?"

Silas: "I am not quite certain. Whatever you once were though, I am assured is no more."

Cora: "What does that mean daddy?"

Silas: "You will know soon enough, Cora. Now, it's time to take you into our world."

Angela nodded slowly, faint shades blue and purple mixing their way into her irises.

Angela: "If you say so . . ."

She said quietly, looking straight ahead. He raised an eyebrow, but took their hands and led them down a small hallway and to a door. He opened it and a bright light momentarily blinded them. Cora and Angela's eyes widened when they saw the mountainous region around them.

Angel: "What is all this . . . ?"

She asked gently, eyes tinging yellow around the pupil. He smiled.

Silas: "It's the mountains. Montana's Rockies, to be exact."

Cora marvelled at the area.

Cora: "It's beautiful daddy!"

Angela nodded slowly, glancing around, waving her hand on instinct, a few trees being uprooted in the distance.

Angel: "It's marvelous, Father . . ."

She said quietly, a smile lifting the corners of her mouth. He chuckled and took them to the inside of his truck, and buckled them in.

Silas: "You both will have two older brothers, Nicolas and Nathaniel."

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