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Akane: "This is all my fault . . ."

Akane panicked, pacing restlessly.

Akane: "She jumped! I-I must have been too hard on her! I . . . I should have reproached her, explained to her! How could I have been so foolish?!"

Angela walked into the house, seeing Akane walking back and forth in the kitchen. A few of the other guards were around, but Jasmine was absent.

Angela: "Akane . . . What's going on?"

She asked, setting her things down and walking forward.

Akane: "Jasmine jumped from the ROOF and her body is GONE!"

It was comical to see the former Soundwave showing this emotion, but still concerning to hear the news.

Angela smiled, raising an eyebrow, shaking her head gently.

Angela: "Sugar, can I talk to you for a moment? In private?"

Akane: "Okay! What is so important?!"

Angela sighed, closing the door to the offset room.

Angela: "You know Jazz is different, Hon. Okay?"

Akane: "Of course I know! And so am I, of course."

He allowed his glowing tentacles to slither out, and then back. Angela nodded, leaning against the wall.

Angela: "Hon. There's no body. She didn't commit suicide. She vanished into thin air because she's different and that allows her to . . . Well, in basic terms, teleport. But I didn't realize she'd accessed that so easily. She's fine."

She gave a shrug, trying not to take humor in his obvious discomfort.

Akane: ". . . . What."

He said very, very darkly. His fists clenched, the stress of a sleepless night getting to him..


Angela squeezed her eyes shut, trying harder and harder not to laugh.

Angela: "Sugar, I'm sure she didn't mean to give you a heart attack . . . But, well, I guess she didn't know how else to get some freedom. You know she cares for you, and she doesn't like to upset you, but things happen."

He growled in frustration.

Akane: "When she comes home . . .!"

He turned and stormed away. A short while later, his phone rang, and he answered, trying to control himself from snapping under the stress.

Akane: "Hello? Akane speaking."

Becky: "Akane? Oh whew! Thank goodness!!"

Becky sighed in relief, her voice rattling through the other end.

Becky: "Listen, is Jasmine there? Ah tried call'n 'er cellphone. Listen, ah need 't talk 't 'er 'an Orion. Ah ovah'eard someth'n 'bout a date-."

AKane: "A DATE?! When did this happen?! Why doesn't she have protection?! This man could be dangerous! I swear she's just asking for a lecture!"

He growled, eyes narrowing, tension returning.

Becky: "Uh . . . didn'tchya kno-."

The phone beeped.

Becky: "Hold onna second, got a 'nother call 'a come'n in!"

She presed a button.

Becky: "H'lo?"

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