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Angela returned to Akane’s room some time later, examining the dreamcatcher as though something visible had changed and she were searching for it. She was checking the energy he’d left on it, though he wouldn’t know. From all the tracing, he’d left a considerable imprint, and it would do it’s intended job.

Angela: "Thanks, Hon. You're dismissed."

She walked away again. He blinked from behind his dark sunglasses. Meanwhile Becky was packing up, green eyes twinkling. Jasmine had since rejoined her, even though she still felt . . . heavy.

Becky: "Thank ya 'gain for yer hospitalitay Jasmine. Ah can't wait 't 'ave y'all ovah at 'th ranch! Fair warn'n; 'th dogs git veray excited."

Jasmine smiled, sitting on the bed.

Jasmine: "I'll see you in a few days, Becky."

Angela walked in, holding the dreamcatcher, handing it to Becky.

Angela: "It's a spare. I took a few extra measures. It should help plenty, Hon."

Becky: "Oh, well, thank ya!"

She giggled. She looked at the beautiful mixture of purple and red yarn, beads and a few feathers. She placed it into her small suitcase.

Becky: "Akane's give'n meh a ride back 't mah truck."

She quickly informed the two, a faint blush tinting her cheeks. Jasmine smiled at the thought.

Jasmine: "He's very protective, so you're in good hands."

Becky: "Ahm glad 't know tha'."

Akane: "Becky, the car's ready."

He said as he walked over.

Becky: "Oh well, thank ya kindlay!"

Becky smiled and walked over to him, turning and waving.

Becky: "Ah'll see y'all next Saturday!"

Jasmine smile never faltered and she nodded.

Jasmine: "See you then."

    The pair walked out, disappearing from sight. Jasmine sighed, getting up and going back to her own bedroom, grumbling slightly, digging through the letters Akane hadn’t taken from her. One more . . . She was certain the last letter was today’s . . . Whenever Angela could acquire it and get it to her . . .

Jasmine: “Angela!”

    She called, body trembling with nervousness. She’d gotten the first two without fail . . . Akane had taken the third, fourth and fifth . . . Last night’s was the sixth . . .

    Tonight’s would be the seventh . . . She had to have it. Akane couldn’t know. He couldn’t take it from her. Not now. She was so close . . .

    The blonde walked into her room casually.

Angela: “Yes, Sugar . . . ?”

    Jasmine’s hands twitched slightly. She had to have the letter . . . She had to know . . .

Jasmine: “The . . . the letter . . . You need to get it . . . Please . . .”

    Angel examined her carefully, nodding.

Angela: “I’ll get it, Sugar. Just . . . distract yourself ‘till I return, ‘kay? You look like you’re about to have a nervous breakdown.”

    Jasmine didn’t want to tell her that she might be right. She needed to have that letter. She had to see that man. She had to know what all this was, and if it would provide her with what she’d lacked, or just wind up a dead end.

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