Sing Me To Sleep

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Shortly after they’d gotten over the elation of their reunion and began doing, well, next to nothing, the crowd began to die down, the news crews began leaving at the lack of activity. They had their story, what else could really happen?

    A lot, actually, but it wouldn’t make the news. Ruefully, Jasmine separated from Orion, contacting Ariel and meeting her on the walk to Tommy’s office not ten blocks away. She didn’t know that Meggy was searching for her at the same time. After some quick scouting around, Meggy finally spotted Jasmine with Ariel heading into a law office.

Emery: "I got your back Meggy."

Emery said, following her. The young girl charged in, catching up with Jasmine quickly.

Meggy: "Jasmine? W-we need to talk."

She said urgently. Emery kept quiet, letting Meggy speak. Jasmine hated this girl’s timing. She had to focus on something else right now, and she couldn’t let her resolution waver. She had an attraction to Thomas, yes, but she loved Orion completely. And now that they were engaged, she had to let Thomas know that, whatever might’ve happened, couldn’t happen now. Period.

Jasmine: "Look, I've got something to take care of really quick, okay? Maybe later."

She brushed Meggy aside, solemn about what she had to do, a faint ache edging into her spark.

Meggy: "No, we need to NOW!"

Meggy said flatly.

Meggy: "I know who you are, what you are, what happened to you. What happened to US."

Ariel: "Miss Brookes-."

Meggy: "And you too, Arcee!"

Arcee: "Wha-."

Meggy: "I'm not a crazy kid who pretends like she doesn't know! I know because I'm one of them too! And I need you to listen to me!"

Jasmine: "I don't have time for this!"

She snapped, blood and energon boiling in her veins from this girl and her assumptions, like she was so much better, smarter, wiser.

Jasmine: "Look, I've got things going on, too, Kid. I don't care who you are or who you think you are, I've got my own problems here. I'm sorry if the world isn't the place you thought it was. It never is, but frankly, I don't have time for your personal drama."


Meggy exploded. Emery winced.

Emery: 'Yep. Just like her mom.'


She darted in front of Jasmine, who currently wanted nothing more than to give the kid a taste of her own medicine.

Meggy: "There's more to this than meets the eye! I need you to wake up and help me!"

She let her arm transform, flesh melting away to expose metal.

Meggy: "See?! I was there! I was there when you ran away! I was just a little girl when it happened! Whatever-it-was. I'm suffering the same way you are! No memories, no family, nothing but shattered fragments! The difference is I know. I've been told which members of my family are missing, and they look at me . . . they look at me and don't know who I am."

Jasmine took a deep breath, moving around her. It took a fair amount of self-control not to do any damage to anyone or anything at the moment.

Jasmine: "I am not your mother, or your family, or whatever you think I am, Kid. Go back to school."

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