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A woman’s laugh echoed off the walls as the door burst open. It was smothered into a kiss, cutting off the joyous noise. The black-haired man held the auburn-haired woman in his arms. He wore a navy blue suit with a red tie, and she was adorned in a white dress with a layer of chiffon over a satin base, green and purple beading across the skirt, a silver pattern across the bodice. They had tonight to be alone. To be happy and joyous, even as the growth of the twins began deep in her womb.

He shifted her in his arms, only to toss her over his shoulder and jog around to the stairs and up, a half-laugh of a shriek escaping her as he did.

Jasmine: “You brute! You horrid, evil brute!”

She called out, but she couldn’t help from smiling as he took her upstairs, locking the door to their bedroom, their bedroom. The thought hit her like a splash of warm water. Comforting and startling but she wouldn’t change it for the world. Orion tossed her on the bed and she laughed again as he drew the blinds and curtains, leaving them in darkness and complete, utter, privacy. She smiled up at him as he lit a few candles around the room. The scents of citrus, lilacs and warm rain mingled in the air.

When nothing but a soft glow illuminated their skin and set her emerald eyes ablaze, Orion strode over to the bed, positioning himself over her, only to kiss her over and over. On her lips, across her forehead, her temple, her cheeks, her nose, her eyes when they closed, her neck, her collarbone, her jawline. He couldn’t kiss her enough. He couldn’t love her enough. He couldn’t show her how much he truly loved her with just gestures and words and actions. But he was trying his damned best to make her see exactly how happy he was with her. To make her see the joy she’d brought him.

It made his spark swell when he thought about it. When he thought about how they’d been given a second chance. All that tragedy and now . . .

Jasmine took his face in her hands and kissed him fiercely, smiling as their lips met. She’d been worried before about the twins, but Angel had offered the explanation after all the drama on Cybertron, alongside Ratchet, of course, which made it all the more convincing and calming.


Angel: “You see-,”

Angel started again when she noticed the questioning gazes the couple gave her.

Angel: “Jasmine, Jewel, you are and were, artificial. You were an artificial Cybertronian and that was why the pregnancy failed last time. That was why it just didn’t work, because your metal body wasn’t really sure how to do something like that. It couldn’t manage to do it naturally. But now you’re a techno organic, even though I know you have plans to change that in the future. Anyway, as a techno organic, even an artificial one, the fluidity of your human half, even though it’s fake, allows your body to adapt. Which means your body will adapt much faster than it would if you were a Cybertronian.”

Jasmine blinked, squeezing Orion’s hand, and he squeezed back. He couldn’t help his eyes from drifting to her abdomen. It was still unnoticeable. It had only been a day since they’d found out. Only a day. How had the time that had passed been so small and insignificant and yet so monumental? Angel sighed when the realization didn’t cross their faces.

Angel: “It means that your body will recognize the babies and that they’ll be nourished and protected inside the womb. They’re going to be just fine, Jasmine. They’re going to live this time.”

The sitting woman’s chest tightened at the phrase ‘this time’. She’d spent so many years thinking her babies were unattainable, and that was when she remembered them at all. But that didn’t mean she’d ever stopped fighting for them. She’d battled Megatron, ShockWave, BombShell . . . And she’d do it all again.

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