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???: “Wake up, sleeping beauty! The sun is calling and it’s a new day! Also, Akane is going crazy ‘cause you disappeared. You’re in for a lecture and I can’t do anything for you. Sorry.”

    I opened my eyes, squinting up towards the source of the voice.

    Angela. It figured she would be the one getting me out of my rarely-used hiding spot.

Angela: “He’s waiting at the base of the tree, Sweetheart. Sent me up to get you.”

Jasmine winced.

Jasmine: "Fraaaaagg."

Akane had that 'disappointed' look in his face.

Akane: "May I remind you what I specified only recently Miss Brookes?!"

She sunk deeper into the hammock.

Jasmine: "I can't even wake up fully without him lecturing me . . . ? Come on! At least the tree helps muffle his voice a little . . ."

She sighed.

Jasmine: "Tell him to take a vacation while I take a nap."

She closed her eyes, nestling into the hammock further. Angela laughed.

Angela: "Somehow I don't think that'll go over well, Jas. Just get up and get over with."

    Akane waited for her, arms crossed and staring upwards.Akane waited for her, arms crossed and staring upwards.

    Jasmine groaned, sitting up.

Jasmine: “Man! I can’t do anything, can I?”

    She sighed, climbing out of the hammock and down the tree slowly, if she so much as made a branch creak, she was sure the tongue-lashing she was about to receive would worsen, given that Akane would no doubt assume she was going to break the branch and fall to her death in a millisecond. Not like he wouldn’t have the reaction time to at least make sure it was a hospital visit and not a casket shopping trip. Jasmine bit her lip, Angela silently making her way down the tree behind her. She couldn’t help but wince when she saw Akane’s face, even though she was still ten feet off the ground, she knew today was going to be brutal.

    She landed on the ground, jumping the final five feet, hoping that wouldn’t be too awful in front of him.

Jasmine: “Um . . . sorry?”

Akane: "Sorry does not even BEGIN to describe this, Miss Brookes. My job is to keep you safe. How am I supposed to do so if you keep running off and at least not speaking to me?!"

Jasmine tried desperately to hold back a smile, having to take a deep breath to make it work.

Jasmine: "You know I go to the hammock when the weather permits and I feel a need to be outside. And you authorized the trip with Daniel . . . However reluctantly . . ."

Akane: "But you didn't let me know, is my point. Miss Brookes, I completely understand you want your freedom, but at least allow me to have an idea where you are!"

She couldn't help but crack a smile, but now the struggle was keeping from snickering.

Jasmine: "My apologies, Akane . . . I . . . I didn't think last night . . . I just sort of assumed you'd know with your creepy psychic third eye or whatever."

She didn't know why she found it amusing. She just felt strangely giddy at seeing his face. More importantly, seeing him so . . . shaken.

He was less amused and crossed his arms.

Akane: "In the future, I'd rather you inform me when you are exiting the mansion on your own."

She pressed her lips together, trying to calm herself.

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