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Jasmine woke up in her bed, the one that sat inside her normal house. Her abdomen was beyond swollen at this point. It was massive. She was only a day or two away from giving birth. She was tired of waiting, honestly. She wanted to hold her babies. She wanted to have their family and get going with everything. The world was a wonderful place, and she wanted her two little ones to be part of it. Just one problem . . .

Optimus was gone.

She reached over to his side of the bed. It was void of a body. It was empty. Cold.

Optimus wasn’t here. And that was a terrible thing.

The bond was numb. It didn’t give her anything. She couldn’t tell where he was. She couldn’t feel anything. He wasn’t conscious. He couldn’t be conscious if she felt this void where he should be. “Optimus?” She called as she sat up in the bed, her spark already pounding as she scanned the room. It was just as empty as his half of the bed.

“Optimus?” She called a little louder, struggling to get out of bed, trying desperately to find him. To somehow pinpoint him. He had to be in the house somewhere. Didn’t he? He couldn’t have just . . . vanished. “Optimus you mother slagging Prime, I’m going to kill you for giving me a heart attack! Where are you?”

She grunted as a kick came from one of the twins. She couldn’t know for sure, but she was fairly certain it was Blaze. “Ashton Blaze, so help me Primus, keep yourself under control right now. Mommy’s trying to find Daddy.”

‘Daddy’s gone, Mommy. Wait for him.’

“Scarlett Jade, don’t you take that tone with me. How would you know, anyway? Your father is here somewhere. And I’m going to find his sorry aft if it’s the last thing I do.”

‘Just wait for him, Mommy.’

“I do not have time to wait. You two are due any day now.” She gripped the railing as she staggered down the stairs. “Optimus? You better have passed out in the kitchen.”

‘He’s not there, Mommy.’

The unborn femme was correct. As Jasmine slipped into the kitchen, she saw nothing but the usual emptiness that was part of the clean kitchen. Her nostrils flared in the stress that was hitting her body. Hard.

“Jazz? Jazz, what’s wrong?” A tired, groggy, disheveled Angel stepped down the stairs, rubbing her eyes, a wide-eyed Sunny close behind.

“He’s-.” Jasmine paused at the sight of Sunny. She didn’t want to startle the young girl. Jasmine grunted, resting a hand on her enlarged abdomen, taking a few deep breaths. “He’s just. I can’t.” She glanced at Sunny, and Angel gave a small nod.

“Sunny, Dear, go back to your room so the adults can talk. Okay?” Sunny quickly shook her head, not finding the words to speak. Jasmine figured she’d already figured out something was wrong. It wouldn’t be hard with the way Jasmine had been shouting earlier, but she certainly hadn’t meant for the innocent young girl to hear her. Jasmine frowned, glancing at Angel. Optimus was gone. She didn’t want to worry Sunny, though. Everything would be okay, wouldn’t it?

“Optimus . . . Has gone somewhere . . . Probably for supplies . . . I wish he would’ve just told me . . .” Her stomach churned, and not because of the two small bodies that rested inside her. It was because she knew that wasn’t true. Optimus wasn’t gone by his own will. The ache his spark left, where she should feel his every emotion and thought, was gone. ‘He’s just unconscious. If he was gone like that, it would hurt. Wouldn’t it?’ She bit her lip, but quickly stopped herself. She didn’t want to worry Sunny. But it was hard when she was already so worried about him without the added pressure of putting on a brave face for her adopted daughter.

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