Just One

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Jasmine yawned, still not fully awake, Orion having driven her home early in the morning, and receiving a not-too-happy look from Akane. She apologized, interrupted when a knock came.

Jasmine:  "Got it."

She mumbled, walking over and opening the door.

Jasmine: "H'lo?"

    The word fumbled out of her mouth, not quite fully formulated. She ached already from the lack of the man whose company she’d enjoyed for almost forty-eight hours straight. Becky was there, still looking tired, but all-the-same smiled.

Becky: "Did ah come atta bad tahme?"

Jasmine shook her head gently at the ridiculous presumption.

Jasmine: "No . . . It's fine, Becky . . . What's up?"

Becky: "Ah was on mah way 't town 't settle 'th mortgage we've bin mean'n 't pay off. Ah thought ah'd drop bah briefly 'an tell ya 'th police 'aven't uncovered Sunnay yet, but they think she could beh close 't 'round 'ere. Ah would've called but there was a 'lil accident this morn'n involve'n a trough 'an a stubborn horse."

She held up her busted red cellphone with a chuckle. Akane saw her and slowly walked towards them. Jasmine nodded with a sigh.

Jasmine: "Well that's something, I guess. I just . . . Wish there was more we could do. Can we get you anything while you're here?"

Becky: "Well, ah could use a drink 'a watah. Left mah bottle at 'ome. Ahm so scatterbrained at tahmes!"

She laughed wearily as she stepped in with Jasmine. Akane walked up.

Akane: "Hello Becky."

Becky: "Oh, h-h'lo Akane."

Jasmine rolled her eyes, weary.

Jasmine: "I'll get right on that . . ."

She walked out to the kitchen, getting a glass of filtered water, filling a reusable bottle to the rim.

Akane: "Becky, t-there's something I-I have been meaning to ask you."

Jasmine had left the door open a little, able to hear them.

Becky: "'An may ah ask whut it is?"

Akane: "W-would you . . . would you allow me the honor to treat you t-to a dinner?"

Becky: "A- . . . oh. W-well shucks ah- . . . yes. Of course, ah'd beh d'lighted!"

Jasmine sighed, taking the glass and the bottle, walking back over and handing them to Becky.

Jasmine: "Have a nice time."

She said plainly before heading upstairs, closing the door to her bedroom. Becky winced.

Becky: "A-ah didn't mean 't-."

Akane: "It is fine. Jasmine is . . . stressed."

Becky: "Heh, ah know 'ow tha' goes."

She chuckled.

Akane: "Where would you like to go?"

Becky: "Ah know this nice Chinese Resteraunt ah go 't when ahm in town."

Akane: "Then meet me there this evening at seven."

Becky: "It's a date! G'bye!

    She headed out, and Akane sighed. He was sure . . . he was so certain she was his wife.The blue-haired woman grinned, having witnessed everything.

Ariel: "Becky and Akane, sittin' in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-."

Akane whirled around and glared from behind his sunglasses. Ariel shrugged, unaffected.

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