First Impressions

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    Jade sat with Blaze as usual, but today, she allowed him more contact than usual. She held his servo in her own, optics closed as her helm rested against his shoulder. She was just so tired . . . She was so sick of the endless waiting. Thirteen years they’d waiting for their parents to find a way back to each other . . . And now . . . They were so close . . . But still too far away . . . Of course, they knew something their parents didn’t . . .

Jade: “What do you think it’ll be like when they meet, Blaze . . . ?”

    He smiled, pressing a kiss to her temple lightly.

Blaze: “I think it’ll be memorable for everyone, Jade. Things are going to get better. I know they will.”

Jade: “How . . . How long do you think we’ll have to wait until we can be with them . . . Like a real family . . . ? Do you think it’ll be centuries . . . ? I don’t want to wait that long, Blaze! I want Mom and Dad!”

    She looked up at him, a shred of vulnerability resonating through her. She needed some reassurance. He didn’t know what to tell her . . . Unless their lives were taken against their will, it was quite likely they’d be stuck here without them for quite some time. Her optics wavered when he was unable to answer her, and she pulled away from him fiercely.

Jade: “Is it so much to ask to have a family, Blaze? Why can’t we have that?”

    Her sibling stood, placing a servo on her shoulder. She quickly pulled away, refusing to look at him. He sighed, shaking his helm.

Blaze: “You know why it happened . . . You know why she lost us . . . It’s no one’s fault . . .”

    She looked down, not wanting to listen to it.

Jade: “Are you sure they loved us . . . ?”

    He sighed, gripping her arms, forcing her to look him in the optics, staring at her, his own optics wavering.

Blaze: “No. They didn’t love us.”

    Her spark sank, looking down.

Blaze: “Because they still do. They love us. Not past tense. Never past tense. They are our parents and they will always love us no matter what. Don’t ever believe otherwise. Do you understand me?”

    Jade blinked slowly, letting her gaze venture back up to his face. His expression was stern, absolute. He left no room for argument on this matter. He gripped her slightly tighter, not enough to hurt, but enough to make sure she wasn’t ignoring him.

Blaze: “Jade. Do you understand?”

    She nodded reluctantly, and though she’d never admit it, she felt reassured by her brother.


    Jasmine smiled, getting into her car with Angela in a hurry, tires squealing as they peeled out the driveway, Angela’s hands gripping the console and side of the door.

Angela: “Jazz! What’s gotten into you?”

    She shrieked, GPS buzzing online, mounted against the front windshield. Jasmine laughed, letting the car’s acceleration slow slightly, but was still intent on going above the legal limit. Not too horribly to induce a high speed chase, but it would give her a considerable edge over the other car, containing Akane, Ariel, and after a bit of convincing, Daniel.

    Akane never drove over the limit, and those few extra miles would turn into extra minutes without his suffocating, relentless guarding. She already felt free. Like she was on vacation. It was Saturday. They were going to the ranch. She was free. If only for a short while.

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