Risks (Stay)

997 44 27

~First-Person Narration: Jasmine~~

    I bit my lip as I hurried along. I was dressed simply enough, not wanting to be over or under dressed. I didn’t know what to expect, really. I wore a light blue dress, emerald ripples cascading over it from the top left shoulder, the smooth fabric clinging to my body a little tighter than I thought it would. Thankfully, the cowl neckline gave it a little more class. The hem was respectable, just above the knee, and while the fabric was clingy, it stretched as much as I needed, with minimal hitching. The inch-thick straps were ideal for summer. I glanced at herself in the mirror, and quickly snatched a pair of silver heels from the closet.

    Okay, so maybe I’d overdone it. But I didn’t have time to worry about that now. Akane would be getting up at any moment. And if he saw me trying to leave . . . Well, it was over. My teeth were brushed, hair combed and skin washed with an extra layer of deodorant. I smoothed herself out, nodding at my reflection.

Jasmine: “You’ve got this girl . . .”

    I took a deep breath, walking out of my room slowly, closing the door as quietly as I possibly could, glancing down the curved hallway. In order to get outside, I’d have to pass Akane’s usual room . . . And unfortunately, he hadn’t been off duty last night . . . If he had, at least he’d be on the other side of the house . . .

    I paused, contemplating if I’d be better off going out that way or if I should try my luck pulling a SpiderMan scaling down the side of the house. Well wasn’t this going to be be fun . . . But every second counted, and there was no time to waste debating.

    That fact became startlingly clear when I heard a door shut.

Jasmine: ‘Frag it!’

    Instead of thinking and slipping back into my room under the covers, waiting for a better time to get past, ran down the hallway. Thankfully, the heels were still in my hands, but I managed to make a horrendous ruckus anyway. I hated my brain some days.

Akane: “Miss Brookes?”

    I heard him call, and I ran faster down the hall, turning a carpeted corner, barely managing to stay upright. I couldn’t let up now. If I stopped he’d be watching me like a hawk for the rest of the day, especially in this getup. If I didn’t make a clean getaway, I was screwed! Majorly and utterly FRAGGED!

    The window . . . I came to a screeching halt. The same window I’d gone out when I’d completely lost it, staggered onto the roof and called out for Optimus . . . Well, better this than nothing. I could hear Akane’s hurried footsteps behind me, calling out my name.

Akane: “Miss Brookes?!”

    He hadn’t caught me by now. He had to have checked the bedroom. All the better for me. Breathing heavier than I wanted to, I clambered out the window, feet on the sill as I tossed up my shoes, hoping I didn’t overshoot and lose them. Even if I did, better barefoot than no feet during a date, right . . . ?

    It was a date, wasn’t it . . . ? I groaned, not having the time to dwell on whether it was a date or not. I pulled myself up with the gutter, thankful it didn’t break on me this time, and slid onto the roof. Unfortunately, I’d also left the window open . . .

    Talk about a dead giveaway . . . Oh well. I grabbed the shoes, both of which I thankfully still had. I winced at the feel of the shingles on my bare feet, but I couldn’t wait on it. I didn’t have time to spare. Akane would likely catch me if I didn’t get out of here pronto.

    And of course, as I started running, I remembered I was running away from my garage. Hate. My. Brain. So much.


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