Worth It

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A/N: This chapter (and most likely all chapters from here on out) will be written in a novel style rather than a play style. Because, well, I'm getting tired of it with all my other books being written that way. But anyway, I'll most likely go back and edit all those chapters in the future to make them this style instead. Hope you enjoy the change!

~First-Person Narration: Jasmine~

I yawned, stretching carefully inside the hammock, trying not to shift my weight too abruptly as I woke up. The last thing I needed was to fall out of the delicate structure and land with a jolt to my tailbone. I nearly winced just envisioning it for a brief moment. On a normal day, that would probably be exactly what would happen. And I would laugh at myself for being such an uncoordinated idiot. But I had to use more care in my actions right now. I didn’t even want to think about risking the twins, even slightly. They were far too precious.

I shifted to glance over at Optimus and yelped. He was already awake. Watching me. Why the Pit hadn’t I felt anything through the bond? I pushed away just slightly, and the hammock rocked, causing my spark to nearly stop for a moment. Optimus seemed, well, amused. The nerve of the mech! Startling me so early in the morning. He knew I wasn’t any kind of ‘morning person’. And of course he just had to-.

He just . . . had to kiss me . . . His lips felt nice against mine . . . A hand cradled the back of my head, the other drifting down to my abdomen, where the slight chill of his skin felt welcome, though a tad unusual, compared to the warmth that was growing inside. The twins were coming along quite well, and with the accelerated growth, it was like everything was coming and going faster and faster. It felt like I was standing on the edge of a highway. Cars whizzed past so quickly I couldn’t make out the details.

I really hoped that would slow down once they were born. I was already exhausted and they hadn’t even been born yet.

Optimus pulled away slowly from the kiss, smiling as he left one more quick peck on my lips, sliding a hand over my hair. “Well, Maiden, how do you feel?”

Despite the alarming wake up, I grinned at him, and pushed against his chest slightly, the hammock giving a slight rock. “I feel like I’m bonded to a weirdo,” I retorted, and he smiled. My words might have been interpreted as bitter if I weren’t grinning at him, with nothing but joy coursing through the bond.

He grinned, pulling me close again, burying his face into my neck, breathing deeply. A small tingle ran up my spine as his hand slipped against the small of my back. I laughed as his grip tightened to the point where he literally obliterated any space that was between us.

“What the slag do you think you’re doing, Optimus? You’re crushing me!”

He chuckled softly in response, but his words felt a little more solemn. “If I had crushed you, it would have been the first day we met. And you certainly wouldn’t be here now . . . It’s a good thing I was so careful with you . . .”

I blinked slowly. I couldn’t see his face, but slipped a hand to the back of his neck, holding him against me. He felt right pressed close. A small smile crept across my lips despite the air of seriousness that had fallen. “You were so, so careful . . . Even when I jumped off a railing . . . You saved my life . . .”

A brief laugh escaped him, but he kept his face against my neck. “Why ever did you do that, Maiden? You nearly caused my spark to stop with worry.”

I couldn’t help but laugh, imagining the ever-composed Optimus Prime sick with worry, much less having his spark stop because he was . . . well, scared. “You certainly seemed calm enough at the time,” I replied, recalling the way it didn’t even to faze him. The only indication he gave that he’d even noticed it happening was the way he’d kept me from splattering on the floor. That would’ve been messy.

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