Chapter 16

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"What?!" I yell. Anger grows in me, my experience with the vampaneze obviously not being good thus far.

"Yeah, there is 7 vampaneze and vampets and a servant. So 8 in all." Darren explains.

"Vampets?" I ask, confused and seeking answers.

"We will explain later." Harkat says.

I nod in understanding, we are sort of in a rush, huh?

"OK, let's go fight them." Vancha says while standing without further hesitation - well he's straight forward...

"Is that really smart?" Darren asks, "I mean, we dont know what we will be getting into."

"Of course, we will get them at different angles. We all get two except Darren and Tux get one." Vancha says.

"But we don't know their strength or anything."

He gives me a weird side look, "I know what I'm doing." He brushes me off and I grow angry.

"We will tell you our situation later, now we must fight these vampaneze." Larten says.

And we go out. We wander into the forest and after roughly ten minutes we are around a small clearing.

The purple skinned blood cousins to the vampires were all around a very small flame.

The servant - I assume - is dressed I rags and is visibly barefoot while the others had regular human clothes on. Though the sight of their large probably heavy weapons angered me. One of their kind killed my mentor with a weapon like that!

Oh right, clothes...I'm wearing a cute outfit today too... I am wearing a black cashmere shirt, with a pair of tight dark blue jeans with some studded heeled black boots with my usual black beanie and black scarf. Wow...I just realized how much my style if clothing has changed over the years...

Shaking the thought of my clothes away I get into my position around the circular treeless area and wait for Vancha's throwing stars to hit a target.

There was a small whistling sound then shortly after a scream was let out by the now injured vampaneze. Injured and not dead because Vancha refused to use his stars to kill one of them...

We ran in and started attacking the surprised vampanez,ignoring the fat lady for now. I was not well equipped, I had no weapon at all, how stupid could I get?

There was a vampaneze shielding the servant. The vampaneze was large and scary looking, which caused me to gulp loudly.

"They are sending woman to do their work?" He says. "And you're unarmed."

"Yes, not the best plan, huh?" I ask, jokingly, gripping my scarf, for some reason holding onto one of the two - beanie or scarf - calms me.

"Not really." He swings at me with a big sword. I - somehow, someway - dodge it. I'm not gonna be able to do this for long...

"Yeah, let me at your servant you can have a better Darren! If you wish." I point to the brunette and he glares at me angrily at the mention of his name.

"No way." He swings his sword, it hits me in the back, but he hit me with the dull side. I was now laying on my back on the muddy and grassy ground. Well...bye-bye cute outfit... He came and was about to finish me off - which I wasn't exactly complaining with - when Darren came to my rescue.

"I got him! Get the servant." Darren says. "That's your job after all."

"Thanks." I run to the servant, I instantly noticed he was also unarmed and I smile at him, "So it will be a fair fight...?" I grip one of the ends of the scarf again, nervously.

"Hello." He says.

"Hey. We aren't here to chat." I say. I say as I swing a punch at the actually rather tall hooded figure. I see his hands have sharp nails and scars on the tips of them. He's a vampaneze!! Damn!

He tried to claw my arm, but I quickly move my arm back and he misses, horrendously. I smirk triumphantly, but that was my mistake. He aimed at my shoulder - which was well protected by the scarf - and he ripped my beloved scarf.

My mind spins and goes in slow motion as I see the sight before me. I can always get another one, but it won't be the same... Steve gave this to me!

My eyes darken and I glare at him, but he took advan of my anger and cut into my arm.

"You in pain?" He asks.

"Why would you care?!" I snap as I bear my own sharp nails, ready to slice him into a million pieces for ruining my keepsake from Steve.

"Just curious, Tux."

I glare at him even harder, "How do you know my name?"

"Are you angry I ruined your scarf?" He taunts.

"Of course I am! This was special to me!"

And before I could ask any more questions the big brooding vampaneze that Darren was fighting comes along and picks up the servant before taking off somewhere else.

Darren and I run up to Vancha who is still fighting. Harkat and Larten soon follows. Larten switches with Vancha and Vancha goes after the two fleeing vampaneze.

Darren follows Vancha while I fight the vampaneze with Harkat and Larten.

It was three against one so we won easily. We ran after Vancha and Darren. When we got there we saw the vampaneze and servant, servant on the vampaneze' back. Then they flit away.

"What the hell?!" Larten yells.

Vancha says nothing. He had a sad face on and small mixtures of surprise and disappointment in his eyes. The fat lady known as "Lady" Evanna walks up to our ragtag group.

She begins laughing lightly.

"What?" I ask.

"Hold your tongue girl, don't speak to me in that manner." I would normally roll my eyes or something, but I easily the that this woman in front of me is...powerful. "That servant, was no servant. He was actually the Vampaneze Lord."

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