Chapter 44

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On the inside of the temple its just as big as the outside - if not larger. There are fancy pillars everywhere, white with pretty ancient looking designs. Maybe this place was one a shrine to a Greek god - or...maybe that snake thing was a god? With this world anything is possible I guess. I mean, we did encounter a six foot toad and a dragons with the wing span of like twenty feet. Oh and do not forget the weird monkeys that tried kidnappings me.

Anyway, the very center of the giant temple is a small platform. On that platform is also a tall showcase with many vials of the Grotesques venom - maybe one hundred just based on what I can see from this one side. It would have been fine and dandy if it weren't for the giant hand snake thing coiled around the round platform - I mean, at least it was sleeping...

"At least the coast is clear..." Darren says.

"Oh yeah." I say. "Because a giant monster is not a threat at all."

"There it is... fast asleep, but where's the holy liquid."

"I bet it isn't the giant vials in the center of the platform." I say, sarcasm not only dripping in my voice but I even put my hands on my hips to make it extra dramatic. "Oh right, of course it is."

"Ha-ha." Darren says. "I can feel the sarcasm from here, thank you."

"Let's hurry and get out of here." I say. "I have a bad feeling about this."

We quickly climb the platform, careful not to wake up the Grotesque.

Darren grabs one. "What is this stuff anyway?"

"I assume a type of... poison." Harkat says.

I pick one up and swirl it around in the vial a bit. "Maybe its not poison? What it's acid that melts your skin the second it comes in contact with it!" I whisper yell.

"Don't joke like that." Darren says with a face if worry.

"It probably would have... gone through the glass in that... case anyway." Harkat says.

"True," I say. "But you never know with a world with this amalgamation."

Darren looks extremely creeper out, "Stop're worrying me."

"Either way, make sure the vial doesn't open. We don't need to find out, just yet."

"Don't need to tell me twice." Darren shivers, "I think you've scarred me enough."

I laugh, swing the red liquid around some more on the bottle. "What do you think it actually is?"

"I have no idea," He says walking over to me, "But maybe you shouldn't do that." He takes the glass container from my hands and gives it over to the more responsible Harkat Mulds.

"It can't be that bad." I scoff, "I was only joking about the acid, besides I can't think of anything that could be activated by simply being moves around too much."

"Neither can I, but better safe than sorry, right?"

"I guess so but-"

"Kulashka!! Kulashka!!" We quickly end the conversation and see two children running at us.

"Oh no." I say.

"Sh! Quiet!" Darren tries to calm the two.

"They don't understand." I say. "Kulashka! Kulashka!" I try to speak their own language, but it seems to anger them as they run off for back up - oh no.

"Good going!" Harkat snaps at me as we jump from the platform and try to make a break for it.

"How was I supposed to know that they would get angry?!" I scream in pure terror.

Sadly that short scream - plus the luck we have - the Grotesque awoke and way too quickly sprang its head up and hit us flying us to the ground with a loud and over exaggerated "THUD."

The creature came closer and was upon us in seconds and readied it's sharp fangs about to dig them into us - which would be a scary, horrifying, and bloody death - but we quickly rolled out of the way. Losing one of the vials in the process.

We went back after it, in a hurry, and as we got it everyone stopped.

The Kulashkas - as I have come to call them as that is apparently all they can say - didn't attack and the Grotesque stopped its attack.

"What...?" I ask.

"They're mad." Harkat says.

A man points to the vial then back up at the showcase.

"You want the vial?" Darren asks, as he moves forwards towards them with a single step.

All of the Kulashkas back up as he moves forward.

"They're afraid of it." Harkat says.

They make a path for us to leave the temple.

We were about to take the offer of escape but an elder stopped us and pointed to the showcase.

"Well. We got no other choice." I says. "Let's replace them and get out if here. It's creepy."

"We still need it though." Harkat says.

"Its this or death." I say beginning my walk to the platform - though I don't even have a bottle.

Darren and Harkat follow suit shortly after.

We put one bottle up on the showcase and continue to put the other one away when we are easily stopped by the yelling of a crazy loon.

"Fear not, lads! Fleet's her t' save ye!!!"

We quickly turn around to see a crazy old man known as Spits.

He takes the last one out of Darren's hands and throws it at the Kulashkas.

It hit the ground and instead of the usual sound of glass shattering we almost died on the spot! No one expected the holy liquid to fricken explode on impact!!

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