Chapter 38

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"How far do you think we've come?" Darren asks.

Its been roughly two weeks since we got here to this strange world.

We eat lizards and insects, thats really all we get.

We barely see water so we have to try and drink as much as possible when we do. We are currently stopped at a pool of water.

We haven't seen many plants either. Darren was leaning up against the first one in ages.

"I have no idea." Harkat says. "How long have we... been traveling?"

"Two weeks - I think." I answer.

We had been sunburned all over, me and Darren that is. Darren was a light brown, since he is a vampire he heals faster than I ever could. But I am a dark red color. How horrible.

"With all the climbing and backtracking we've... had to do, we can't be making more than... a couple miles an hour. Allowing for fourteen or fifteen hours of sunlight... per day, we probably cover twenty-five or thirty miles. Over two weeks thats... Maybe four hundred in total."

"Thank the gods we're not human - we wouldn't have lasted a week at this pace, in these conditions."

I clear my throat.

"You don't count." Darren says.

"Heh, fair enough I suppose." I say before drinking out of the water.

"Has the smell altered?" Harkat asks.

"Slightly." Darren answers. "It doesnt smell as tangy as it did before."

"Thats because there is less... dust. We seem to be leaving the... desert behind. There are a few plants and patches... of dry grass."

"About time." Darren groaned. "Lets hope there are animals too - I'll crack up if I have to eat ankther lizard or bug."

"What do you think those twelve-legged... insects were that we ate yesterday?"

"I have no idea, but I won't be touching them again - my stomach was in peices all night!"

"They didn't bother me. Sometimes it helps to have no... tastebuds, and a stomach capable of digesting... almost anything."

"I guess." I cough. "I can't wait till we get to eat actually food."

"Will you make it into soup?" Darren pushes again - as a joke though.

I laugh, "Shut up!" I splash a small bit of water at him, he laughs and does the same.

Harkat pulls his mask over his mouth.

The air here on this planet isn't the same as on Earth. It's a bitter taste, kind of like thing. Darren got used to it fast, because he is a vampire. But I didn't and am still not used to it - which causes me to to cough a lot.

"Decided where we are yet?" Darren asks.

We'd narrowed the possibilities to four choices. This was an illusion Mr. Tiny was causing, Mr. Tiny sent us into the past somehow, he slipped us into an alternate reality, he transported us to some far-off world.

"I believed in the... illusion theory at first." He lowered his mask.

I zone out. I dont understand why they care where we are. We aren't on Earth thats for sure, but other than that, I don't really care.

We came here to get rid of Harkat's nightmares, not to figure out the ins and outs of a far off world. Besides, Mr. Tiny said it himself us knowing where we are won't change anything. We will still get the same results either way.

I say we just accept we are not on Earth, and find this Lake of Souls.

I don't know how we are supposed to if we have no weapons, since I left mine in my tent, and Harkat left his axe in his van, Darren left his with Debbie and the others.

Oh right, I guess I should update on a few things.

One of the lizards here was eating at my hair as we slept and when I woke up a huge chunk of my hair was missing. I cut off all the rest and it is now back to my waist. Since I am too lazy to cut my hair back down to my shoulders I just let it be.

In order to not die of dehydration Darren, Harkat, and I made some lizard skin water pouches - though they don't work very well and make the water taste sort of bad it helps us not die.

A few days after coming across one of the first watering stops in forever we make it to a large dense jungle.

My mouth waters at the thought of actual food, "Meat..."

There were some animals, monkeys, deer, squirrels. They werent like Earth animals, they had different color, size, and were way more dangerous.

Squirrels had sharp teeth and claws, monkeys were yellow in color, and deer were small with big heads.

We picked up some stones and sharpened them into daggers, we took bigger animal bones and made them into knives, spears, and clubs.

The monkeys were probably the weirdest in my opinion, they were yellow and would attack on instinct, they would bite and scratch. (I got attacked the first day we got in the jungle.)

"I never heard of monkeys like that." Darren says.

"Me neither." Harkat says.

"Well Sherlocks, we are not on Earth." I say.

"Right, keep on forgetting." Darren says.

"I can't believe we arent on Earth anymore." I laugh. "Remeber when we were kids I always wanted to go to Mars! Now I might actually be on Mars!"

"Yeah right." Harkat laughs. "We couldn't possibly be on Mars. Mars doesnt have water."

"Hey, you dont know that. While we were away from society maybe they found life on Mars, or maybe they didn't. I don't care either way."

A couple hours past by.

"I'll be back in a minute." I say. "What ever you do do not come after me." I walk away. I didnt return...not until morning that is.

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