Chapter 46

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We start running towards the lake.

Harkat and Darren occasionally throwing a bomb at a dragon.

We were about halfway when Spits lost his mind.

"The little man told me twould be like this, but I never believed him. All my dreams are coming true!"

"Shut up and run!" I snapped back. Unlike the others I was focusing more on getting to safety opposed to having a conversation. The dragons were right on our tails and if we wasted anytime to chat we were sure to be crushed by those gigantic wings - or worse eaten alive by the babies.

I am not here to be eaten or crushed by giant flying reptiles. I am here to see who Harkat used to be and get rid of his nightmare. I will get out of this place alive whether the others are with me or not - I swear on my life I will kill Steve. I will not settle for being crushed by these beasts.

Excuse my little speech, I am sure you already know all of that. I don't even know how many times I've said it at this point.

"Dreams?" Harkat asksas we make it into the safe zone.

"These souls may be nowt but ghosts in water but once on land they get bodies!" He casts his net. "Hee hee! Got one!"

Darren and I pull Spits away and try to snatch the net from him.

"Let it go!" We yell.

"Enough o' the games or I'll skin ye alive!" Spits yells. "I'm finished with the likes of ye! An imp, blood sucker, and a werewolf! Ye thought I didn't know what ye was, but Spits ain't as dumb as he let's on. Ye fed from me when ye thought I was asleep! And nobody can stop me! Ye interrupted me last haul, but I'll bring em back!"

"Blah, blah, blah! Shut up!" I yell.

He gets angry and throws his bag filled with stuff at us.

A glass bottle hits me and breaks and a couple of the glass shards pierce the skin of my left arm. Of course, I'm just like a magnet when it comes to getting injured, huh?

I grunt in annoyance, it is always me.

He begins running at us, but trips over his whiskey and goes flying - out of the dirt area.

"Spits!" I yell reaching for him, but get stopped by the pain in my left arm, this is his karma.

He starts singing to his idiotic bottle of whiskey.

To think the thing he loves the most kills him - not even the normal way either.

"Sp-Spits." Darren says.

"Come back in you idiot!" I scream, but it was too late. The dragon burned him alive and he fell into the lake.

We sigh.

"That was horrifying." I say, looking into the lake as he falls to me the bottom - if there is one.

"Yeah." Harkat agrees.

"Guys." Darren says. "Look."

We turn around to see what he is talking about and are struck by fear as we stare into the scaly face of the big male dragon.

"He was still alive when he fell in!" I yell.

"I'll draw them away! You two get the soul!" Darren yells running off with the remaining bombs.

"Darren!" I yell. "Let me help-"

"You're hurt! Stay!"

I grunt and help Harkat.

The dragons did follow Darren, to both my relief and dismay.

I didn't really help Harkat.

He did it on his own. He started chanting some weird stuff and it sort of went from there.

We pull out his soul as Darren runs over to help.

We get him out and see who Harkat used to be.

"Clever geezer, Mr. Tiny." I grunt.

The dragons made their way towards us.

I sigh. "Well... This was short." I joke.

"Not a good time!" Darren yells at my bad timing of a joke.

"I-I was... I was the vampire traitor... Kurds Smahlt!"

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