Chapter 36

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"You shouldn't be here! You're a child!"

"Darren is a kid."

"No! He is the same age as I!"

"Oh yeah, I caught on that you were older, but by how much?"

I am too busy glaring at him to answer his question.

"Twenty-six." Debbie answers for me.

"Agh! This is so frustrating!" I kick the metal van wall and make a small dent - I think I broke some in my foot too...

"Calm down." Debbie says.

I point my finger at Smickey.

"You shouldn't be here." I repeat, anger in my voice. "You're a kid!"

"So what if I'm a kid! I can still help."

"Give him a chance." Alice says. "Don't throw him out just yet."

"But he is a kid!"

We hear the door open and three people are standing there. Darren, Harkat, and Jack.

"Smickey?!" Darren yells in complete amazement.

"The one and only." He laughs.

"Why are you here?" Darren snaps back.

"I want to help...I am sorry for being a jerk to you before."

"You're not fogiven."

"Guys." Alice interrupts, "Let us get to more pressing matters."

"Well of course." Darren says, "Sorry."

"Why are you" Harkat asks.

They tell them the same thing that they told me minutes before.

"Well..." Darren muses, "It sounds like a good idea, but I don't know if the other Princes will agree."

"What do you mean?" Alice asks.

"Well, you see, the vampires are more of an independent group. Getting assistance from the humans is probably not gonna fly by them." I say.

"We'll convince them!" Debbie says, optimism radiating off of her.

"Alright, have fun with that. I am gonna go feed the wolves now."

"When you get back make more soup!" Darren yells as I exit the van.

I simply reply with a roll of my eyes and a, "We'll see!"

I go out and find my wolves. It took me a while, but I found Flash and Marcy in my tent.

"There you guys are. Where is your parents?"

"We don't know." They say in perfect unison,

"They left somewhere last night and haven't come back since..." Marcy finishes off.

"We're super worried..."

I don't say anything for a while. I wasn't expecting this... I just wanted to feed the four of them...not-not go on a wild goose chase to find them.

"I'm sure they are fine." I smile.

"You don't look so good." Flash tells me.

A forced faint smile appears on my now pale and sweaty face, "No...I'm fine." I lie as I collapse on the ground with a loud "THUD" and pass out.

When I wake up I am on my soft bed being shaken awake by a worried Cormac.


"No time to explain!" He says as he easily lifts me off of my bed and onto the ground before pushing me out of the tent.

"What is going on?" I asks, just as the words exit my mouth I am pushed into one of the workers tents.

I stare at the sight before me.

A blood covered, scared looking, shaking and whimpering wolf lied on a white sheet on the ground - well the sheet was red now...

"Nona?" I screech remembering what happened and falling to my knees next to her.

Her closed eyes opens and I can see the lack of life in her eyes.

"What happened!?"

She lifts my hand that was letting her under her chin.

"Some hunters...they shot at me and...Junior. I managed to escape...but Junior died."

I gulp hearing her sad voice ring through my ears sounded like poison. It felt like I was just stabbed in the heart a thousand times. It felt like I just ate a handful of rusty nails. It felt like someone drove a toothpick into my ear and broke my eardrum.

Basically, it did not make me feel good in any way shape or form.

"I'll...I'll kill them."

"Don't...just take care of Flash and Marcy. I will be content if you promise me that."

I nod my head, "I promise."

"Thank you..." She closes her eyes and I am told by the cirqus worker that she died.

I cry as I pressed her red body into my own.

After what felt like hours of crying I stood up, dried my teary eyes and headed out of the tent.

I head to the campfire where I saw a distraught Darren and Harkat.

"What is wrong?" I ask.

They look up at me ready to explain something, but quickly stop and ask the same question back at me.

"Nona and Junior...they died."

"Oh I'm so sorry!" Darren shouts while running at me with a hug.

"Thanks." I mumble as I press him harder into me.

I need this...I've always needed this. This feeling of someone actually caring...the feeling of not being alone...the short time I can imagine Darren and I together like we should be...

After hours of just us being in that position we let go of one another and Darren lead me back to my tent and told me absolutely crazy and random bedtime stories he made on the spot until I fell asleep.

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