Chapter 52

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The woman who wasn't much older than I should be walks over to me and gives me a huge hug. With my good leg I kick her away. Jack composes himself and stares at Ethan.

"Disgusting filth!" He yells.

"Ouch." Ethan grins. "Now now. Is that anyway to treat family?"

"We're not family! You simply lived with us. That's it!"

"What do you plan to do here exactly?" I growl. "Burn the town to the ground. You wouldn't have any objections to that."

"Don't you remember the good times we had together?"

"Bull! You don't give a crap about those times you made that clear when we met back at Larten's old home!"

"Speaking of which. How is he doing?"

I pop a vein. "I'll kill you!"

"With that injured leg of yours? How?"

"I'll-I'll-!" Tears sting my eyes. "Aren't you in pain?!"

"Hmm. I don't know what you're talking about.

"Are you still half?"

"Shut up!" He yells. "You know I can't be a full vampaneze!"

"Oh yeah! Your master died!" I laugh. "Hows that for you?"

He growls. "I'll leave you be now. I really must get going. My Lord is waiting." And he walks off.

On normal circumstances I would run after him and kill him as he stands, but for obvious reasons we remained silent and allowed him to leave.

The woman stayed by our side though with a regret filled smile she says, "I'll see you again, Tux."

~Time Skip~ ~A week~

My leg healed. Quicker than any human could Heal, but the bullet left a math scar and it still hurt a lot - but it was way better than before.

The night before I had a nightmare where Shancus had his neck broken, which killed him instantly. Obviously - unlike the last time I had a dream - I told Evra and Merla about my dream.

Right now I am playing with Shancus. Scared my vision will come nephew can't die I refuse to believe such a sad and dark truth.

"Aunt Tux!" Shancus says shaking me out of my trance.


"What's wrong?"

"I want you to stay with your father and don't go near the perimeter of the Cirque. Promise me. Stay we protected in the center, alright?"

"Alright." He says. "When will Uncle Darren be coming back?"

"I'm sure he'll be here soon." I reassure him as I try rubbing away my sleepiness from my eyes - obviously doing nothing to help.

Jack and Smickey had left to check up on the others yesterday and promised to be back later today.

I smile at Shancus. I pick him up and start spinning him around in circles.

"You're an airplane." I cheer.

He is laughing happily before I place him back down on the ground.

"Where is that snake plushie I gave you?" I ask.

"It is in my hammock!" He smiles, "I have it well protected don't worry!"

I laugh, "Don't lose it or I will be very mad."

"I promise I won't!"

When Evra walks up to us I hand over Shancus without a fight this time. Knowing it would be inappropriate after I told him his son may die soon.

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