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I woke up with a sensation of emptiness, at eight in the morning. Great, I was loving this day so far. My dad woke me up by smashing every single door in this damn house. He had always been like that and sometimes, it was very annoying. My mum, her, left for work a while ago already. I stayed in my bed for a moment, just looking at the ceiling, thinking about anything in particular. Bradley was in London and I couldn't feel lonelier. I was way too much addicted to him, he was like my cornerstone. I sighed loudly. "Happy birthday Clary." I said to myself. I shook my head and got up. That was stupid, I shouldn't be sad on my birthday, but I couldn't help it. I went downstairs and what I saw made me smile a little. There was a note from my parents saying 'Happy birthday Clary, we love you. We won't come home late, enjoy your day x'. At least I would spend the evening with them and not alone, that made me feel a little less sad. It took something to eat and unlocked my phone. Two new messages.

From Ash x, 00:03am :

Happy birthday baby, I love you to the moon and back, wish i was there with you. x

From Spencer, 7:46am :

HAPPY BIRTHDAY CLARY !!!! Sorry I'm not here today, see you soon, love you!

I smiled at their messages and replied back. They had never forgotten my birthday so far and I'd never forgotten theirs, it was just the first time that I was not spending this day with them. It was weird. I wished Bradley would have sent me a little something or call me or FaceTime, didn't know. But after all, it was quite early so he may still be sleeping. I decided to call Gregor to see if I could work today, since I didn't want to stay home alone all day. I really like working there, it was a nice shop and even if Gregor didn't speak much, Zack was often here to talk. Maybe he would be here today ? I'd like to see him. He finally answered his phone and he told me I could come but I wouldn't be payed. Honestly, it didn't bother me. I just wanted to be somewhere else. I then took a quick shower and put my jeans, an hoodie and my sneakers and walked to the shop. It was cold outside but it felt great. I liked feeling the wind on my skin, going through my hair. When I reached the shop, I said hi to Gregor and decided to play some classical music. I knew he wouldn't mind, he told me once he loved classical, so since that day, we listen to classical in silence, waiting for customers to walk in. I just sat behind the counter et closed my eyes, enjoying the music. It made all kind of memories resurfacing. Memories of Gabriela, happy ones. I remembered the day I broke my leg. I was around seven and I fought with a boy because he made my friend cry. He said she was ugly and fat and as a seven years old girl, she bursted into tears. I was quite something when I was young, I didn't like him and he knew it. He was just a douchebag, yeah, he really was. That day wasn't the first he said that to my friend and it was the final straw. I first argued with him verbally but then he punched me, so I just jumped on him and we fought. He eventually broke my leg and he probably was excluded from the school since I had never seen him after. Anyway, the school brought me to the hospital and since my parents weren't there, Gabriela had to take care of me alone for a couple of hours. I remembered her singing to me so I wouldn't think about the pain. I remembered her trying to make me laugh. I remembered her telling me I did the right thing kicking this boy's ass. I started smiling at this memory. It was fun.

I did this for the rest of the morning, between two customers, I dug in my mind happy memories of her. For once, it didn't make me cry. Not at all, I was happy to think about her. Happy that I spent great moments with her. "Oh, Clary's smiling, what a surprise !" I jumped at Zack's voice.

"You scared the shit out of me !" I laughed and tried to make my heart beat normally again. "And I always smile !" He shook his head and laughed. He then came behind the counter, dropped his bag and pulled me into a hug. I hugged him back and he sat on the seat next to me.

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