All over again

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"Clary, come on, slow down !" The teenager girl yelled at the little girl.

"No ! You said you were late to see your new best friend, so I'm not slowing down. You can go, I'll go home alone." The little girl was fuming and I didn't even know why exactly. I didn't even know who they were, actually. Where was I ? I looked around and saw that I was standing in the middle of a road. How did I end up here ? I tried to focus but I still couldn't see clearly their faces, which was very confusing.

"Stop acting like this, I'm taking you home and then I'll go. It's okay if I'm late, they don't mind." The older said, gently.

"Whatever." Were they sisters ? I felt like it. The little girl kept walking fast and her feet were banging on the floor, like everyone when they're angry, I guessed. She took a step on the road, another, another and then I realized. My memories came back and I realized what was going to happen. The time stopped around me, or at least it became way slower, except for me. The bag of the older fell slowly from her shoulder, hitting the floor. She has already taken a giant step, her face was decomposing with fear. I screamed. I screamed a 'no' but no one noticed me. I tried to move but I was like trapped in an invisible cage. There were transparents walls around me. I banged against them, again and again, but I couldn't break them. She was almost in the middle of the road now and I was in tears, still screaming on the top of my lungs. Don't, please don't do this, it can't happen again. I was powerless. My knees hit the ground violently and I screamed, this time because I felt a swift pain on one side of my body. She reached the point of no return. The car could not stop anymore. It was going way too fast already, even if the driver tried, it was too late. It was too late.

She jumped on the little girl, in a last ditch. Her hands reached the girl in time and the thin body of the latter was thrown in the air, just like the body of the young woman will be within a second. I suddenly felt a massive pain in my head, making me cry harder. It was unbearable, the physical pain and the mental pain. I was living through my worse nightmare again. My vision became blurry but not blurry enough to not see the scene. She bent forwards as the car touched her legs and her head crashed against the windscreen, making it crack in a million pieces. Blood came up from her forehead and her body spun round and round in the air. She spat blood and her upper body eventually collided the cold tarmac ground. It was happening all over again. I watched her being killed for what seemed hours. I watched the life leave her body gradually, the last part of it evacuating with her last breath. I begged God the give it back to her, although I didn't believe in it. I begged for her life. I couldn't lose her a second time. That was all I could do between these walls. Crying, screaming, begging. I was submissive. I was losing her again and my heart was stopping, little by little, breaking at the same time.

Her long brown hair became shorter and shorter and curlier. She also somehow shrank a little, her breasts disappeared and suddenly she was someone else. Someone well known. Him. He was in the exact same position. The blood was still flowing from the head, his head. This was terrifying. It was worse than a nightmare. I didn't want to see that, I couldn't bear it. He was lying there, dead, in front of the powerless me. I called his name the loudest I could, but it was useless. I was useless. I suddenly felt a liquid on the skin of my bare feet. I turned my head around to see what it was. Red. Blood. I followed its route and I wish I didn't. The small dirty blond haired boy was lying on the floor too, dead, his eyes wide opened, staring at me. No, no, no, it couldn't be happening. My hands were covered of the red liquid. I clenched my fists and banged on the walls that were keeping me away from saving them. The skin of my fists was disintegrating and eventually, they shattered. They shattered and my upper body tumbled.


Connor's pov

"Clary ? Clary calm down, calm down I'm here." I ran to her and cupped his head in my hands. She was swinging, her hands covering her ears, her face bathed in tears, she looked terrified. She had called me panicked, asking me to come and I would've never imagined that I would find her in this state. "Look at me, look at me. It's alright, tell me what happened." I repelled the hair which was falling on her face and wiped her tears with my thumbs. My heart was pounding in my ears. I was totally panicked, I didn't know what to do, I had never seen this side of Clary and it was scaring me, but I needed to be strong for her, be there for her. She shook her head and her wobbly hands met mine. "Tell me so I can help you. I'm here, I'm not going anywhere."

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