Scars do not heal

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I'm saying something important in the A/N so please read it.

"Clary, come on, James is waiting for us !" I took my shoes and tried to lace them as fast as I could.

"I know, I know, I'm coming !" I shouted at Bradley who was downstairs. We were Saturday and we were supposed to be eating at Connor's girlfriend's house. We should have been there for five minutes but we were late. I hated being late. I put my coat on and went downstairs, running. I grabbed Bradley's hand and we ran out of my house, to James' car. "Sorry, sorry, we can go now." James sighed, starting up the car and Tristan just laughed.

"Don't be so nervous, it's nothing really, I'm sure she's lovely." Tristan said, looking at me in the rear-view mirror.

"Yeah but what if she doesn't like me ? What if she doesn't like you guys ? Have you thought about it ?" They all looked at each other and laughed.

"Too bad for her then if she can't see how awesome we are !" He said.

"Oh wow, does you head still fit through the door ?" I laughed and shook my head. He just nodded and smiled like a child. They were right, it was nothing, but I was still nervous. I wanted to be friend with her, I wanted her to like me. I even bought a new pants for today. Still black, of course, but instead of having the button in the middle, you do it up with a zip, on the hip. It was a bit different but I liked it. The car stopped and Bradley squeezed my hand. I breathed deeply and went out of the car with the other. What we saw left us speechless, astounded. "What the hell..."

"Connor wasn't kidding when he said it was huge..." Bradley whispered. The house was ridiculously big. It had three floors and it looked just huge. It was in perfect condition, like it had just been built, with balconies and a white fence all around it. The front door opened and Luisa and Connor appeared.

"Don't stay there guys, come over here !" She shouted, gesturing at us. We all looked at each other and started walking to them. "Oh, you must be Clary ! I'm so happy you came, Connor said you were lovely !" She chirped and pulled me into a hug. I opened my eyes wide, not used to be hug by stranger that tight. Connor gave me a sorry look, seeing the embarrassment and finally, she let me go.

"H-hi, nice to meet you..." I mumbled and she smiled at me before hugging the guys.

"Come on in, I'll show you the house and then we can order pizzas or something ?" We nodded and she started to showing us around. We had the same face that we had when we arrived. Surprised, wide open eyes, wide open mouth. This house was huge from the inside too. Some walls were in marble and if I counted well, there were five bedrooms and four bathrooms, the enormous living room and a big room were you could just chill, with sofas and stuff. "There is one more thing I want to show you..." We followed her and she led us to a room where the walls were made of glass and in which there was an inside pool. A pool, inside the house.

"Is that a joke ? How can you have a pool in your house..." I whispered in Bradley's ear and he shrugged, he was as astonished as me. "Do you have siblings or do you, um, live here alone with your parents ?" I asked her.

"No, I have no siblings." So they didn't even need to have a big house with that many rooms. It must feel so empty when you're here alone. "Do you ?"

"Um, no." I lied, but only Bradley and Tristan knew I did and I didn't think they cared, they knew I was not going to say this to a stranger. She suggested to order pizzas so we all went to her living room and ordered them. She asked all kind of stuff about the boys' life, some were a bit personal in my opinion, but they didn't seemed to care much. I didn't know whether I liked her or not. She was nice but something was wrong, I feel like she was trying to hide a side of her or something like that. I felt like she wasn't being completely herself. I wasn't feeling very comfortable. There was an embarrassing silent when the pizzas finally came and I thanked God for that. It was a bit better when we started eating, Tristan was making us all laugh and that was great.

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