Day in

417 14 3

N/A : Hola everyone, so just before you read this, for those who haven't yet, I wanted to say that I just noticed (2 days after posting this) that the end of this chapter sounds a lot more than I thought like a fiction I am reading, and like a moment in it I read few days before writing this. I apologise, I didn't mean to copy the author, and I'm sorry I noticed it too late. It won't happen again, I'll be more careful next time with inspiration and be aware of not copying others stories, I do not want to do it, at all. This is my story, they have theirs. So yeah, sorry about that. Hope you'll enjoy the chapter anyway x


"You were awake all this time, weren't you?" A flicker of a smile appeared on his face but he kept his eyes closed. I'd been watching him sleeping for a couple a minutes and he knew it, obviously. An almost imperceptible dimple popped up on his cheek. I closed my eyes again as his hands pulled me closer to him, his grip becoming stronger. Lights started to dance in front of my eyes, flickering. My whole body was reacting to one little gesture. That was what he was doing to me. My hands on his chest, I could feel his heart beating, strongly. My heart follow ed Bradley's heart rhythm and I buried my head in his neck, my heavy and hot breath crashing on it.

"Nightmares ?" I simply shook my head. This had become our little habit since my little... crisis. Whether I was with him or not in the morning, he would ask me if I had nightmares. And for the two last week, the answer was always the same. No.

"I haven't had any in two weeks."

"It's good then." His raspy voice said in my ear and we laid there without saying a word, just appreciating being together, the sunlight bathing us in its warm light.

"Thank you." I eventually dropped these two words. "I've never lasted that long without having nightmares, and you're probably, certainly, the reason why I haven't got any. Thank you." I also hadn't seen her lately, but that was something he didn't need to know. He gently pecked my temple.

"Anything for you." His hand found my cheek and within the next second, our eyes were connected. His brown mesmerising eyes. I could stared at them for the eternity without getting bored. They flickered at the sunlight. "I like when you're happy, I really like that." His thumb was drawing circles on my cheek, making my whole body shiver.

"I like that too." By that, I meant staring at him, I meant him making me happy, I meant feeling him close to me, I meant seeing him happy, too. I guess he'd figured out. I also liked feeling happy, it was great, and I wished I wouldn't have this shadow behind me that follows me all the time, hiding some times, appearing some other times. Our endless stares ended up in endless kisses. Our breathes were becoming heavier at every kiss, our bodies were closer at every kiss, everything was multiplied at every kiss. "I missed your kisses."

"It's only been one night since I last kissed you." He said between two kisses and I smiled against his lips.

"I know." But I truly missed it. I was way too dependent of him, but I loved it. He laughed and tipped me over. The way he looked at me then made an unknown feeling appear in my lower stomach. Weird, but pleasant sensation. After giving me a deep kiss, his mouth found its long way on my jawline, not taking long before finding my neck. I really couldn't put a word on the sensation my body was experimenting. It turned my stomach upside down, making my body tensed somehow, the temperature seemed to raise suddenly and one little kiss on my neck made me arch my back, just a bit, but just enough for Brad to sneak his hand in the space between my back and the mattress. The other one slowly went down my arm and laced our fingers once it had found mine. I surprised myself to let out a moan of pleasure when his hot fingers rode up my t-shirt just enough to touch my skin. He smiled against my neck and his head went back in front of mine, our noses slowly touching. He was playing. He was definitely playing with my feeling, waiting what felt like an eternity before crashing his lips against mines. My free hand immediately ran through his hair. After another wild kiss, he, again, went down and kissed my collar bones. That was when I felt it. That was when my cheeks turned completely red and my body stiffened, at the very embarrassing thought of mine. I felt it against my thigh, through his pants, slightly. I was completely paralysed. I then thought about doing the thing, and I started overthinking, as usual. About if I was ready, about my body. This disgusting body of mine. "Brad..." My voice sounded way more like a groan out loud than in my head. His head slowly lifted up and his eyes met mine. I lost my voice looking at him. He was so beautiful, he had scruffy hair, a few of his curls falling on his forehead. His lips were a bit opened and seen from this angle, his little beauty spot couldn't be seen. Ah, too bad, I love it.

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