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After Bradley had left the house, I probably stayed on the ground for ten minutes. Nobody has ever said something like this to me, it was all new. Too new. I didn't know what to think and now, it would probably be impossible to face him, I would be too embarrassed. Not that I didn't like it, quite the opposite, but I just didn't know how to act with him anymore. What did he think about me ? What did he want from me ? I was so confused. And when I was confused, I panicked. I heard someone ringing the bell. I quickly went downstairs. Maybe he came back ? I opened the door and my hopes went down. You could see it at my face.

"Oh well, how happy are you to see me ?" Spencer was here.

"Oh Spencer, I am so happy to see you there !" I said sarcastically. "What did you except ? But now that you're here, come in." I head for the living room. "So, what do you want ?"

"To apologize." Spencer wasn't the kind of girl who would look down in this situation. No, she was looking at me right in the eyes. "I know I messed up but just let me explain you, please."

"Go ahead. I'm all yours." I crossed my arms on my chest.

"Yeah... Well, you know that night, at the bar ?" Of course I knew. "When I saw him I was jealous of you. First I thought he was really beautiful, then we talked and he was really nice. And you were there, saying nothing. Even during the show, you only had eyes for Bradley ! You literally had someone awesome, interested in you, and you didn't seem to care !"

"And what ? It pissed you off ? So you thought, oh, I could stay with him instead ?"

"Yeah. Yeah that's exactly what I thought. He told me you seemed to like him, but more like a friend, or a brother but not like a potential boyfriend. He was right, wasn't he ?" I stayed silent at her question. Of course he was right. Hard to admit it, but it was true. He arrived in my life when I was sad and he was nice to me, I guess I wanted attention ? "I'll take this silent for a yes. You wouldn't have been his girlfriend, so what's the problem if I am ? I like him, really. And he does too. He's good to me. I know it went fast but it's so easy with him ! I'm not in love or whatever but it's worth a try."

"Come on Spencer, don't act like you don't know why I was angry !" She didn't answer. "If you like him that much, if you knew at the first look he was the best person for you, then why didn't you tell me immediately? You know I can understand things like that. That's why I was upset. I was upset you thought I would be angry or whatever. I thought we could tell everything to each other. No secrets". I was quite calm. Usually I would be nervous and my heart would beat faster than it should. 

"I am sorry, truly sorry. I didn't know how to say it. I know I should have told you, I've been an idiot. I'm sorry I hurt you. Do you think you can forgive me ?"

"Of course I can, you know I don't like being in conflict with someone I love, it hurts me more than anything. And I love you, I don't want to loose you. But I'll just ask you one thing."

"Yeah ?"

"Wait a moment before... showing yourselves in front of me" She giggled and I smiled.

"Yeah, I promise. Now, what's up with curly boy ?"

"W-what ? N-nothing, absolutely nothing !" I stuttered and went as red as a beetroot.

"Oh come on ! You're red and you just stuttered, I know what it means !" She grinned from ear to ear. She knew me too well, damn. I looked away.

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