Got it

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just wanted to share this amazing live of my little baby because damn

I was supposed to go to the music shop with Bradley today, since it was Saturday. He called Gregor and the old man accepted to talk to me about this job. I received a text from Bradley this morning, saying that he had to see the band because they had this important appointment for the band soon and that he couldn't come with me. When I read it, I thought I would just give up on this job, I just couldn't go without him, first because he found it for me, second because I was too shy. But I really needed it. I was so nervous to meet him again, I didn't know what to say to him, I haven't worked before so I was scared. Then I tried to picture Bradley and I, and the others in the middle of the crowd, dancing and singing the lyrics with everything we had and that was it, I had found my motivation. That didn't mean I wasn't nervous anymore, because trust me, I was. "Mum ? You ready ?"

"Yep, let's go !" She was taking me there. She wasn't going to go in the shop with me, she was just going to wait for me in the car but she understood when I asked her to 'come' with me, she knew how nervous I could be sometimes. I was glad she understands that, I knew not every parents do. Some just didn't get why their children were being so nervous about something like that and without knowing, they'd be rude or hurt their feelings. We got in the car and drove to the city center. When we parked next to the shop, my stomach was like torn apart and I wanted to literally run away now, as far as possible. "Don't worry, it will be fine."

"Hopefully. I just wished Bradley was here..." I sighed. "Be back soon, wait for me." She nodded and I got out of the car. I stood in front of the shop for good five minutes. I took a deep, deep, deep breath and eventually walked in. "H-hello." I walked to the counter but no one was here.

"I'm coming !" I heard the old man's voice and soon enough, he was here in front of me. "Oh, you're Bradley's friend, aren't you ?" I nodded. "Right. He called me. So you want a job."

"Yes, I know I'm young but I really want one. And I-I love your shop." He stared at me for a while, examining every inch of my face. Embarrassing.

"I won't pay you very well if I give you a job, just the legal minimum..."

"I don't mind." We were staring at each other straight in the eyes. Maybe he was trying to discourage me, but it didn't work. It needed this. "I just need a job. I'm not annoying, I don't talk very much, I won't bother you." I surprised myself thinking that he was quite tanned though we were in January. I wonder where he was from. He had wrinkles all over his face and his hands, but he still looked in good shape for his age. He seemed a bit grumpy. He has really bright green eyes and thin lips. His hair was white and he was wearing glasses. After a couple of minutes, he finally spoke.

"Alright. If you want to work here, you can. What about Tuesday's and Thursday's ? Is that good for you ?" I widened my eyes.

"Seriously ? Yes ! Yes it's all good ! Oh my..." I jumped around and immediately stopped, remembering I told him I was supposed to be calm. "Thank you so much. Thank you." I took his hands and shook them.

"Yeah, yeah, you won't thank me when you'll work..." He mumbled. He definitely was a little grumpy man. "Come next week after school then. I'll explain you everything later. I'm too tired now. See you later."

"See you next week, Gregor." He shook his head when I said his name and I walked out. I ran to the car and screamed from joy. "He gave me a job ! My very first one ! I'm so excited !" I hugged my mum. She rubbed my back.

"That's great sweetheart !" She kissed my cheek. "Do you want to go shopping to celebrate that ?" I nodded and kept grinning. I was so happy. I was going to have my money, to work in a music shop, which was super cool, and what mattered the most, I was going to go to this festival with people I loved the most. Nothing could be better. As mum suggested, we started our first shopping session in ages. I'd missed being just with her, having some time alone with her, just talking and laughing for nothing really. I'd missed her so much and I knew it was my fault if we were not as close as we used to be. I knew I'd withdrawn into myself these last years, I knew why I did it and I wished I could forget it, but now I needed to make up for lost time. "Let's go there for a minute." I turned my head and saw a lingerie shop. I sighed. She was always buying some whenever we went shopping. I was not. I had basics underwear, like white, black and grey, never needed sexy underwear. Plus most of them looked uncomfortable as hell and didn't cover anything. After a couple of minutes of waiting at the entrance of the shop, I decided to get in and find her. I slalomed between the stands and finally found her. She already had many things in her hands. "Here, try this." She handed a white laced bra and the pants that matches and the same stuff in black.

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