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As he promised, Bradley came the following day, the day after and the day after. No one was home but me, as my parents were working and I was on holidays. He came for lunch and he brought something new everyday : chinese, japanese, italian. Like he said in his text, he was making my life better, at the moment. I surprised myself just waiting for him to come, sitting on my bed, smiling like an idiot. Today again. I was waiting for him when I saw the date of today. December 23rd. Shit, Christmas was -too- soon, and I hadn't bought my parents gifts yet. I needed to go today, like everyone who sucked at doing gift and had forgotten to buy one. Should I buy one to Bradley ? I really wanted to, but I didn't know what. I was thinking about it when the doorbell rang. Was he already here ? I looked at my watch. 12:17pm. It was late already, I thought it was like 11am. I opened the door and saw his cute little face smiling at me. Plus Connor's, Tristan's, James' and Spencer's.

"Hey Clary." They all said and I looked at Bradley, surprised. He was a bit embarrassed, I could see it at the way he was smiling.

"Hi..." They kept smiling like idiots, without saying a word. "What are you all doing here ? I thought it was only-"

"Brad and you ? Yeah, we know, sorry. But he told us you needed to be cheered up, so we thought we would come too. Sorry, lovers."

"Fuck you Evans..." Bradley groaned. "Sorry Clary, they really wanted to see you. Didn't you, guys ?" He said with authority and they all nodded.

"Did you bring food ?" I asked. I didn't have enough food for all of us. Connor and James immediately showed me the bags from McDo they were hiding behind their backs. "Alright. Come in." They all walked in, Bradley the last.

"I'm sorry, I haven't told them for your sister, but Spencer told me you haven't texted her in ages and she wormed the fact that you weren't feeling okay out of me."

"It's okay. Actually I'm happy to see them." I slightly smiled at him and he took me by the waist to pull me closer. I giggled a bit at his touch. I loved it. He was so close, all I wanted to do was to crash my lips against his.

"We could spend the afternoon all together ?"

"I would love to, but I really need to buy some gifts, for Christmas." Our conversation was so banal, but there was this thing between us, we were so attracted by each other, our bodies were so close, our eyes were locked in each other's and somehow I just couldn't stop having this feeling in my belly, without knowing what exact feeling it was.

"I do too, and I bet the boys also need to buy two or three stuff, so just let's go together, yeah ?" I bit my lips. How was I supposed to buy his gift if he was here ? But I just wanted to spend more time with him, with my friends. I nodded and moved my head closer. I was about to reach his lips when an idiot interrupted us.

"Guys, it's going to be cold, what are you-" We both sighed and turned our head to Connor, annoyance in our eyes. He was smiling like a 6 years old kid who caught his parents kissing for the first time. "Sorry. But now that I interrupted you two making out, come with us, we miss you." he whimpered and walked back to the living room. I started following him but Bradley stopped me by taking my hand and pulling me closer, again.

"What about my kiss ?" He pouted.

"Um sorry, were we about to kiss ?" I teased and groaned. He crashed his lips against mine and something exploded in my belly.

"Guys !" Connor yelled from the other room and we both smiled against each other lips and joined the others. "It was time ! We can start eating now !" He complained and jumped on his food. I pictured Connor as the boy that will always makes you smile, no matter what. We ate and honestly, it felt great to have them around me. I was feeling better. Yeah, it was gonna get better. When we had finished, we all went out and headed to the city center for our Christmas shopping.

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