The Truth

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Mathew POV

It was almost time for Alexandria to wake up. I tried to move and get up but her head still rested on my chest and she was still fast asleep. I didn't want to wake her but I was still her butler so I had to go get her morning tea ready, though I really did like having her like this. She moved and now I could leave. I got up carefully and put my shoes on and walked to the door and opened it.

Once I was in the hallway I walked to the kitchen. I got into the kitchen and there was Sebastian

"Good morning Mathew" He said not even looking up

"Morning Sebastian, how did you know it was me?" I ask "Never mind."

"I assume that you're here to make some tea for lady Alexandria this morning."

"Yes is that alright?" I wondered

"Of course."

Alexandria POV

I woke up and saw that Mathew wasn't in the room. He must be in the kitchen. I thought to myself. I looked around the room and realised that I was still at Ciel's manor. I listened closely I could still hear rain but no thunder. It must have stopped last night. I thought to myself.

I got up and walked to the connecting bathroom. I looked into the mirror, and opened my mouth and looked at the back of my throat. Lately my throat has been hurting that's why I haven't been eating much.

I wonder if Mathew notice that I haven't been eating. I wonder to myself.

I heard a knock at the door of the room then the sound of the door opening, Then the sound of Mathew "My Lady"

I walked out of the bathroom "Yes"

"I brought your tea. Also Sebastian wanted to know if you want a strawberry scone."

"Tell him no, and Mathew when are we going home, I have work to do."

"We are leaving after breakfast my majesty."

"Good is it almost ready?"


"Ok" I walked back into the bathroom. Mathew followed

"Do you wish to take a shower?"

I turned to him "No" I told him with a low voice


I walked out of the bathroom and over to the chair that had the dresses on it and I pick one out. Mathew undressed me then dressed me into the light with dark pink dress, with a matching hat.

Once I was chanced there was a small knock at the door again. Mathew walked over and opened it. It was Sebastian.

"Breakfast is ready lady Alexandria." He said

"Thank you Sebastian."

We all walked downstairs and entered the dinner hall. Ciel was already sitting waiting for me. "Good morning Alexandria."

Mathew pull out my chair and I sat down. Once I was sitting he push my chair closer to the table. "Morning Ciel."

"How did you sleep?" He asked

"Alright Ciel and yourself?"


We got served breakfast. It was French toast with berries. Of course I wasn't feeling like eating but I didn't want to be rude so I had I bite. It kinda really hurt badly, but I didn't show it no matter how much it hurt. Again I didn't eat that much. Just enough so nobody asked.

I was walking to my room to get my clothes that I wear yesterday while Mathew got the car ready. I walked into the room and grabbed my clothed

"Lady Alexandria." Somebody said

I turned around quickly and there stood Sebastian "Sebastian it's you"

"My apologies my lady. I didn't mean to startle you."

"It's alright. Did you need something?" I asked

"I have notice that you didn't eat that much at dinner last night or at breakfast. I was wondering if everything is alright."

So someone did notice "Yea I'm ok" I said quite

"I feel like there is my lady excuse me" He walked closer to me, closer and closer until he was inches from me. I didn't know what to do. "Call Mathew" My mind told me.

"Don't bother calling Mathew." Sebastian told me. I looked into his eyes and they were a different color. When I saw that I knew that he was a demon "There's something wrong and we both know it."

"Fine" I said pushing him away from me. "Maybe my throat been bothering me a little but I'm fine."

He come closer to me again but this time Sebastian grabbed my wrist and pushed me to the closet door. One arm went up while my other arm went down.

I was hopeless. Do I dare call for Mathew? I asked myself.

He hold me there. Just staring at me until finally I heard the voice of my butler, and he sound pissed. "Get off of her." He said hurrying over and tore Sebastian off of me, and he fell.

Mathew was over Sebastian ready to kill him

"Mathew" I said pulling him away

Just then Ciel walked in "What's going on?"

Great think Alex...Got it "My lord you see Mathew walked in on Sebastian teaching me how to get away from people that push me against the wall. And maybe got the wrong idea." I told everyone. I then looked at Sebastian "Isn't that right Sebastian."

"Right. There are sick people out there master and there are times that I see the lady by herself, I just want her to be safe." He said as he gotta up and brushed the dust off his pants

"My apologies Sebastian." Mathew told him.

"Come on Mathew let's go." I said "Ciel thank you for everything."

"Your welcome." I walked out of the room pulling Mathew by the hand.

A/N: I hope you guys like it. hope everyone is having a nice day or night, when ever you guys are reading this.

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