Kidnapped and rescued Again

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Mathew POV

"Alex" I tried to sit up but I was too weak Stupid Moon, my arm gave out from under me and I fell back on the bed. I couldn't do anything the only thing I could do was watch my lover be taking away with the man that's hates me. I watched as Claude put a cloth over her mouth. I heard the door opening I looked and saw Sebastian and Ciel. I looked back at Alex who was looking at me. By the way she was looking at me she wasn't scared.

"Have fun" Claude said jumping out of the widow

"No" I yelled Alex... I tried to get up but it was just no used, the moon drained all my energy. "DAMNET HE KNEW THAT I-I WOULD BE TO WEAK"

"It's alright Mathew calm down." Sebastian said to me

"Sebastian this is an order you will save Alex this instant" Ciel said

"Yes m...."

"GET HER NOW." Ciel yelled before I could.

Sebastian jumped out the window and went to get her. I just layed in her bed hoping that the spider wasn't hurting her.

Alex POV

I woke up and I felt my hands and feet tied up again, but it was different this time because I could feel that I was in my under garments. They took my dress off, I feel sexual assaulted. I could feel that I was laying on a bed with my heads tied above my head and my feet tied separated apart and tied to the bed. It was really unconvertable and the rope was hurting me.

"Comfy" I heard Claude say.


"Oh I'm going to have fun with this and poor little Mathew can't safe you."

"What are you going to do?" I asked

"I don't have to tell you, but I can demonstrate"

I heard him walking over to the bed, then I felt his cold hands on my legs then go up them, grabbing my underwear and stripping me of them. I was left then half naked. What did I do to deserve this? Mathew, Sebastian. Anyone help me please. I'm scared. I felt the bed sink and then heavy weight on top of my body. I could feel 'him' and that made me more scared Sebastian is my only help now I hope he can hear me. SEBASTIAN

Sebastian POV

I was outside the manor of the Trancy and I could hear my name and it wasn't my young master Alexandria I went to the window where I know where they were and jumped through it smashing it to pieces. Once I stood I saw Claude almost going in Alex who was tied to the bed.

"Get off of her." I shouted in anger. I now knew what he was doing.

He got up and off of her and pulled up his pants and turned around facing me "Shouldn't you be with the brat you call a master."

"If you think he's and brat then why did you try to take him away from me?"

"I desire his soul. I don't know why you put up with him."

"Let's just get this over with." I said as he come to me and we started to fight.

Alex POV

"I desire his soul. I don't know why you put up with him." Claude asked to Sebastian

"Let's just get this over with." Sebastian said as Claude run to him and they started to fight.

I was still tied to the bed trying to get myself free when I felt someone trying to put my underwear. Once they were on the person helped next by untying the cloth in front of my eyes I looked at the person who was setting me free and it was Hannah, of all people another demon was letting me go and I didn't know why. And the other demon was friends with the demon that kidnapped me for the second time. She untied my hand and I quickly sat up and watched as she untied my feet.

After she was done she looked at me "I'm sorry for him my princess."

"But why?" I asked her

"It's a long story just go."

"Thank you." I got up and Sebastian and Claude were now outside fighting. I didn't care that I was in my undergarments I got up on the window and jumped up and landed on the ground. Standing I watch as Claude kicked Sebastian but missing.

I ran up behind Claude and kicked him on his side "Claude it's me you want remember." He turn looking at me forgetting about Sebastian and started to walk towards and grabbing me. I glanced at Sebastian telling him to do anything now. I looked back at Claude, then he started to kiss my neck. While he was distracted by kissing my neck I saw Sebastian quickly running over grabbing him and throwing him to the ground, knocking the breath right out of him.

I looked at Sebastian and he looked at me. There was a slight cool braes of wind and a chill went down my spine making me shiver. Sebastian took a notice to it and took off his overcoat and set in over my shoulders.

"My lady" He said

"Thank you Sebastian, can we just go now please"

"Of course" He lifted me up and carried me back to my manor.

We made and walked in the manor. I held firmly onto Sebastian overcoat and pulled it tightly around my body. We walk upstairs and in my room where Mathew was awake and sitting up.

Mathew POV

I was sitting up, I was too worried about Alex to sleep. I just wanted her to be safe. I heard the bedroom door opening and there stood Sebastian with Alex. Oh thank god... wait she's almost naked. What the hell did that spider do to her?

"Alex" I said weakly

Sebastian placed her down and she ran up to me "Mathew"

I wrapped my arms around her and hugged her. "All you alright Alex, did he hurt you?"

"I-I'm ok Mathew I-I'm safe" She said then she shivered

I pulled her closer to my body and covered her with the blanket. "There we go I hope that's better M'lady." I started to rub her back

"Th-thank you" She yawned and fell asleep.

I looked up and Sebastian "Thank you so much Sebastian. But what the hell was he doing to her."

"Mathew what I got I think that he was trying to get her pregnant. She was tied her a bed and he was on top of her ready to go in."

I filled up with anger "WHAT" He was touching her, he was touching my lover, how dare he.

"But I got there in time so don't worry"

"Thank you"

"You're welcome now if you excuse me I have to attend to my young master."

I watch as he left the room. I looked at Alex who was fast asleep on my chest. How can she sleep after what she just went through? I don't care as long as she's safe and back with me. Oh Alex I love you

A/N: Yay another chapter, I really hope that everyone is enjoining it. I love this story with all my heart. What do you guys think about Alex and Mathew? What do you guys think that is going to happen next? Leave it in the comments on what you think about Alex and Mathew. Also please go and check out my other stories. Have a nice night or day.

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