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Mathew POV

I got up and went down to my room that really isn't really my room now. I walked in and changed into a low V T-shirt and black pants and went outside. When I stepped outside, I looked at the dimed morning sky, it was really early that the sun hasn't come up yet. I closed my eyes and then opened my wings. I has been a while since I opened my wings. I reopened my eyes and shot up into the sky and flow around.

The wind blowing through my hair released all of the stress that I had. I flow by trees and more tress, then by the Phantomhive's manor then by more trees. I was going top speed so everything was a blur. When I landed, I landed on a cliff that looked out on the ocean and the sun rise.

I watched it as the sun came up. Amazed by the mixture of yellow and orange on the horizon beneath a dark neon blue ocean of the night. And this against the ocean blue made it more azotic, to the site. Looking at the site of this made me think of Alex. I unfolded my wing and took off flying the speed of light but to the manor.

Once I got to the manor I folded my wings back in my skin and went inside, I walked to my bedroom and got changed then hurried my way to the kitchen to make Alex her morning tea. When I got in the kitchen I saw a red black hair girl at the oven. She's awake. Walking over to her I wrapped my arms around her "Good morning my sweet."

"Ahh Mathew"

I smiled "It's alright it was just me."

"I know but you scared me." She said turning around and hugging me

"My apologies beautiful, and I'm also sorry for not waking you up with your morning tea."

"It's alright Mathew I'm not mad." "Mathew I wish to go to the camper this weekend."

I smiled "Alright. Anything my sweet mistress wants."

She smile brightly and then turned. I looked down at the over and seen that she was making French toast. "Did you want me to help you M'lady?"

"No I got it, please I really want to do it."

"Aright love, but please be careful."

"I will" She cheerfully said I went to get her favorite berries from the cold room, knowing how she liked her French toast when I heard "OW" I hurried back in and saw her holding the side of her left hand.

"Alex are you ok?"

"I burned my hand" I walked over to her and looked at the burn it wasn't too bad which was good. I walked her over to the sink and turned on the cold water and put her hand under it so the water could take away some of the pain. "It's cold Mathew."

"That's the point M'lady cold water helps with burns. I'm rinsing it then im going to wrap it alright."

"Alright....I'm sorry Mathew."

"Don't worry about it Alex. It wasn't a bad burn so it was heal. Did you want me to finish cooking?"

"No I still want to do it."

"Alright." I smiled and dried her burn lightly and wrapped it with some burn healer, and she went back to cooking. After she was done cooking and eating I started to clean up.

Alex POV

I want to go tomorrow. I wonder if Ciel would like to come. I asked myself. I walked up to the phone and dialed Ciel's number and then I heard the phone pick up then my father's voice "Hello"

"Hi daddy"

"Princess is something wrong?" He ask

"Nothing is wrong dad I just wanted to know if you and Ciel wanted to come to my camp site this weekend? To maybe get a break."

"I would have to ask darling but I don't see why not. The young lord hasn't had much to do lately so he has been rather bored."

"Well I don't have anything to so maybe tonight dad?" I told him

"I'll ask then contact you alright."

"Alright dad love you." I said

"Love you to baby girl."

We both hanged up the phone and I looked outside at the big ball of light that was raising. I squinted my eye when it started to hurt. Turning and closing my eyes for a second. I reopened open them and there was Mathew

"M'lady are you alright?" He said

I jumped back "Stop scarring me Mathew."

"I'm sorry M'lady I don't mean to." He said with a sad look

I walked up to him and wrapped my arms around him "It's ok Mathew I'm sorry that I shouted."

"It's quite alright. I'm not mad."

"I called my father asking if they wanted to come with us and since I don't have anything then can we leave tonight."

"Alright." We walked up to my bedroom and I watched as Mathew got my bag ready.

Mathew POV

After I was done, I brought it out in the hallway, she followed behind me and we walked downstairs. I put the bag next to the door, then turned to Alex "How about we get you something to snack on"


We walk down to the kitchen and I gave her a red apple. "Beautiful"

"Thank you so kindly" she said with a giggle. She took a bite of it then the phone rang. I went out to go answer it and she quickly follow wondering who it is.

"Alright I'll be sure to tell her thank you." I sat the phone down and looked at her

"What's wrong Mathew?" she asked

"That was lord Ciel and he is unable to come."

She frowned "R-really. Aww I was really looking forwards to going with him and my father."

"I know M'lady, but something has come up and he isn't able to get away." I told her

"Alright then" she looked down. "Can we go then?" She asked turning for the front door

"Of course Mistress." I said with a smirk then followed behind her.

A/N: Hey guys I'm sorry for not updating I've been busy, I have the next chapter all ready for the next weeks update. I've been writing more chapters but I've been stuck.

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