The moon Affections

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Alexandria POV

It was later in the day and I was still my office when I heard a knock at the door. "Come" I said still writing. The sound of the door open and I looked up. It was Mathew and he looked worst then before.

"M'lady I've brought you some tea."

"Thank you, you can put it on the desk." I said going back to my paper work. He started when he dropped it. My head shot up and Mathew went down. I got up and quickly rushed over to him. "Mathew" I layed him on my lap. He tried to get up but I stopped him "No lay down Mathew."

He looked at me "My apologies my sweet majesty." He brought his hand and gently touched the side of my face

"No, there's no need for apologies Mathew." He tried to get up again. "No Mathew please stay down."

Still having his hand up against my face "You shouldn't have to see me like this my mistress."

I gave him a small smile. "Shh it's alright." I felt his forehead and it was burning up. "Are you able to stand?" I asked him

"I don't know." Letting him this time he stood up. Weakly but he stood. I put my arm around his waist and he put his arm around my shoulder and we made it slowly to my room.

"I rather you in here." I told him laying him down on the bed.

"M'lady." He said low

"Yes Mathew." I sat on the edge of the bed

"I-I want to tell you something."

"Oh and what is that?"

"I love you." Mathew said

"I love you to Mathew." I said playing with his hair "Now get some rest alright please"

"Alright my sweet." He closed his eyes and soon he breathing was slow and his hand that was cupped on my cheek dropped, and he was sound asleep. I gently put his arm under his covers made sure that his was comfy, then left without a sound.

I went downstairs to find Ciel but bumped into Sebastian. "Oh I'm sorry Sebastian I should've been watching where I was going."

"It's alright Lady Alexandria, What were you in deep thought about?"

"Oh um I was thinking about Mathew, He kind in my room asleep on the bed. "

"Oh is he ok lady Alexandria?" He question

"Yea I believe so he kinda fell when he was bringing my tea I brought him to my room and he's laying down. He just fell asleep." I said "Sebastian he's burning up and I don't know what to do for him. This isn't like a human cold. I'm worried and scared"

Ciel was listening to the whole thing. He came up behind, put his hand on my shoulder and then pulled me into a hug. "Everything will be ok Alex. How about we leave Sebastian to look after him and you and I go for a walk in the garden." We pulled away and he gave me a small smile. "If I do remember you have the most beautiful garden ever with white and red roses, and violets, and other beautiful flowers like you."

I gave him a smile "Alright Ciel." He took me by my hand and we walked outside I knew what he was doing, he was trying to keep me calm by getting my mind off of Mathew.

As we made it outside and started to walk around on the path. We were talking and he as asking questions about me.

"So what's your favorite flower?"

I gave him a smile because we stopped in front of a White rose bush. "White roses. What about you?"

"Roses in gentle" He smiled to me.

We walked under the Willow tree where a pond, we sat on the bench while the sun shined down on us. It was really nice. With everything that was going on I forgot about that, about that place, about my special place. That place I went to when I was upset, or lonely I used to go there but now I don't but I haven't been there for a while.

We just sat there on the bench when Sebastian came behind me. "My lord and M'lady it's getting dark and it's time for dinner."

We both got up and went inside Sebastian following behind us. "Sebastian, how's Mathew, is he ok?"

"He resting peacefully M'lady"

"Alright thank you Sebastian"

"You're very welcome M'lady.

It was after supper and Sebastian and Ciel was nowhere to be found, so I decided to go and check on Mathew. I walked upstairs and walked in my room and he was fast asleep. I walked to the other side of the bed and sat beside Mathew. He looked so peaceful...but he was sweating. His fever must be really high probably too high for humans. I grabbed the cold cloth that was on his forehead and rewet it and put it back "There you go. I hope that feels better" He was still asleep but I could tell that it did felt good because he moved and I think that I saw a smile.

Sebastian POV

The young Lord and I were in his room for the night I was getting him his after dinner tea ready.

"Sebastian I want you to ode Alex's every order, you got that" As I was giving him his tea

"Is that an order my young lord."

"Well what do you think? Protect her and don't let her get hurt. You got that?"

I got down on one knee and brought my right hand on my chest. "Yes my Lord" I stood and left the room. Going down to the kitchen

Alex POV

I was still sitting next to Mathew and he was still asleep. I just couldn't rap my head around the fact that he was like this. Weak and sick. I was staring at the ring that he gave me and I felt a hand on my leg. I turned to face him and I saw that he was awake.

I gave me a smile "Hi my lovely"

"Hey" I looked at him "H-how are you feeling?"

" you want the truth M'lady" Giving him a nod "Alright well not very Alex but I'll get through this I promise."

"A-are you sure" I asked I almost had tears in my eye

"Of course my beautiful majesty"

I blushed to that. I loved when he called me that "Even when you're weak you're still calling me that" I said with a smile

"But of course my young majesty, you're my Mistress and I will always be your butler, so I will always call you that." He said giving me a smile

"Not the Majesty but beautiful"

"Well of course I called you that...because you are. And that's the truth"

I gave a smile again.

"I like your smile" He said

"Thank you"

"H-have you eaten?" He asked

"Even though you're in bed with a fever your still worried if I ate or not"

"It's what I do my sweet. I need to make sure that you're ok."

"I did not much but I did." I told him

"Will you eat some more please M'lady. I know that you're hungry." He said with a worried tone

"Not until you're ok and up"

"Alex please....please eat something for me."

"I-I...." I started but just then someone come through the window and it was Claude.

"Alex" I saw that Mathew trying to sit up but weak as he is, his arm gave and he fell back on the bed. I was grabbed but Claude and he put a cloth to my mouth and the last thing I saw was Sebastian and Ciel running in, I looked back at Mathew but not showing that I was scared I blacked out.

A/N: yay another chapter...I hope everyone is enjoying it... lots more to update..Have a great day or night

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