Favorite dish

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Alex POV

I woke up to someone beside me. My back was turned away from them but I could feel their heat.

They moved their hand so that they were rubbing my baby bump in a calming way while humming softly.

I knew who exactly it was. "Hi Mathew." I said smiling.

He stopped like he didn't know that I was awake. "I didn't know that you were awake my love."

I giggled and turned around to face him. "I just woke up. How long have I been asleep?" I asked him.

"Not very long. Lunch was nearly done when I came up I believe Sebastian might have finished cooking it, if you like to come have some." He said kissing my forehead.

"What was made Mathew?" I asked

"Stir fry"

"Treating me now." I laughed. "You know that I love stir fry. Definitely if its yours."

"Well I thought maybe the baby would like some of my Famous stir fry." He laughed.

I smiled. "Yeah and maybe let me keep it down." I smiled.

"Lets get you up and ready then head down to get you lunch." I nodded and got up.

I still had my father's tail coat on. Mathew looked at me in question noticing that it wasn't one of his. "It's my father's he put it around me so I wouldn't get cold. I haven't gave it back yet." I told him.

"Alright my love." We went downstairs and headed into the kitchen.

We went into the kitchen and my father was at the oven. "Daddy."

He turned around. "Yes baby."

"Thank you for looking after the meal." Mathew said.

"Your welcome. Are you here to eat angel." I nodded. "That's great."

I sat at the island and Mathew gave me my plate of the stir fry with rice. I smiled picking up the spoon and took my first bite. I closed my eyes I was in love with it.

I loved when Mathew made stir fry it is one of my favorite dishes. My other favorite dishes is lasagna.

"How is it M'lady?" Mathew asked.

"Delicious as always Mathew. Thank you." I said taking another bite.

"Your welcome M'lady." He turned and started to wash the counters. I smiled to myself as I continued to eat.

I was enjoying the company of my father and my lovely butler. "What are you smiling about Angel?" My father.

I looked at my father. "I'm smiling  because I like the thought of  having you, mom, Ciel, Claude, and you Mathew with me." I told him.

He smiled. "I see." He walked over and kissed my forehead. "I like it to Angel. I'm sorry but I have to bring this plate and tea to the young master. I'll see you later."

He was about to leave. "Wait daddy." I got up and took of his tail coat and give it to him. He nodded and I hanged it over his arm. He walked out and I went to sit down and eat.

After eating Mathew cleaned that plate gave me a cup of tea. I drank it slowly. I noticed that Mathew looked like he wanted to tell me something but afraid to tell me.

"Mathew is there something bugging you?" I asked.

"What do you mean M'lady?" He questioned.

"You seem off like something is bugging you." I explained.

"W-well you see...." He started but then paused.

"Its not time for you take my soul is it?" I asked worriedly.

He turned to me and quickly walked over to me. "No it isn't. But you have an doctors appointment tomorrow my love."

"Oh so the doctor is coming here?" I asked.

"No. Its at the hospital M'lady." I blinked. I don't want to go to the hospital. I hate hospital they freak me out. I started to tremble. Mathew pulled my in his embrace. "It's alright my love. If it makes you feel better its to identify the baby's gender."

It did sorta made me feel better if it was for the baby. I wanted to know if they were a boy or a girl but as long as they were healthy then I didn't mind.

I slowly nodded. "I-if its for the baby....then....then ok I'll go, but please don't let me go alone." I said.

"I would not leave your side and if you want you can bring alone someone else." He said.

"My father. I want my father to come." I said without a thought.

"To go where?" I heard my father question.

I looked at him as he walked back in with the now empty plate that was for Ciel. "Will you come to my doctors appointment tomorrow with Mathew and I daddy?" I asked walking in his chest.

"Of course." He said wrapping his arms around me. "Is she alright Mathew?" He asked.

"The lady doesn't like hospitals." He said.

He simply nodded and rub my back. "Of course I will come angle, and do not worry darling everything will be fine."

I nodded slowly.

I really hate hospital.

What do you guys think about this chapter. What do you think the gender of the baby will be. More to come I promise.
Till next time


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