Naming the little Angel

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Alex POV

I sat there on my uncles old bed staring at the dog tags.

Tear still fell from my eyes. His dog tags was one of the things that he held dare to him.

A memory of when I was little played in my head. I smiled at it.

I didn't notice that my lover walked in. "Alex. Are you alright my dare." He asked.

I looked at him still having the mask over my face. "Th-theses were Matthew's..." I said. "One of his precious treasures. I-I remember when I was young. I was playing out in the backyard when I fell on the ground and hit my head. I hit it hard on a rock. Matthew was the one who heard me crying. I told him that I was dizzy and was getting tired. When he was running inside of course he told me to stay awake. I played with his dog tags and stayed awake." I explained.

Mathew wrapped his arms around me and pulled me in his lap. I layed my head against his shoulder. He rubbed my back and held me close. "I have something to show you Mathew." He looked at me.

"Oh and what is that my love." I smiled as I got up. I put everything back in the box and carried it out with Mathew behind me.

We walked into the music room and I sat down at my piano after giving the box to Mathew.

Then started to play the song that my uncle was teaching me. I played until the end of the song. It wasn't perfect due to I haven't played it in years but it still sounded beautiful.

After I was done I turned to face him. He had a smile on his face

"Yiruma river flows in you. Am I right my love?" He asked naming the song correctly.

I smiled and nodded. "It was the last song that my uncle was teaching me. Actually he saved me after he taught my the last bit.....I-I practiced. A month every music class time. For him." I told him.

He sat the box down and walked over and wrapped his arms around me. Making me feel safe. "I-I miss them Mathew. I miss both my uncle and my father." I said cuddling into his neck.

Mathew rubbed my back. "I know you do my love. I know." He said gently.

He sat there I don't know for how long but when we did finally got up we went to my room.

Walking in Mathew had the box in his hand. I walked over to my dresser.

I didn't have much things on my dresser so I thought that the picture frame could go on it.

Mathew opened that box. I smiled as I took out the picture frame and sat it in the middle of my dresser.

I looked at the things left in the box. Picking up the glasses I placed them in front of the photo.

I turned back around and Mathew held up my uncles old pocket watch. I smiled and thanked him.

I looked at the display and placed it against the photo with the chain going up the photo to the back.

The last item was his bog tags. I looked at them. I didn't want to put them down just yet.

Mathew looked at me. "Do you wish for help putting them on M'lady?" He asked. I shook my head.

"I got it Mathew, but thank you." I said putting them on.

I smiled as then hung by my neck and layed on my chest. I watched Mathew walk out of the room so possibly throw out the box, or wash it and pulled it up.

I looked at tags and gently grabbed a hold of them in my hands. "Thank you Matthew. I promise that I'll keep them safe." I said.

Later on that day me and Mathew were back in the music room. I was playing the piano with him next to me.

I was playing peacefully when I heard a name in my head. 'Adelaide'

I stopped playing "Adelaide." I said out loud.

"What was that my love?" Mathew asked.

"Adelaide. That's what I want our baby girl's name to be." I said.

I looked at him and he smiled. "That's perfect." He said before placing his hand the baby bump. "Hello our precious Adelaide." He said.

I smiled happy that he liked the name. The name just popped out of nowhere, but I didnt care I had a name for my little girl.

Now I just need to meet her.

I hope that you liked this chapter of To be Loved. Just so you guys know I got my first job and I might not be able to post often but I promise that there will be updates. They're definitely more to come.
Til next time.

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