Family Time

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Camila's POV
We are currently in the car headed to my parents house for a few hours since we have a free day. My mother has been texting me nonstop asking about her first grandchild and not to mention Sofia who has apparently been jumping around the house since last night!

My dad on the other hand isn't as excited, he thinks I'm too young and too immature to raise a child as according to him I still am a child, even though I'm almost nineteen!

"Mama how longer?" Mya asked as she yawned and rubbed her eyes "a little while, have a nap baby for mama" I say as I kiss her forehead and place her pacifier in her mouth, "cuddles" Mya said as she held her hands out to me and pouted through her pacifier "angel you have to stay in your seat" I say as I hold her hands and soothe her since she is grouchy and just wants to be held.

"Mama cuddles pwease" she begged as a few tears escaped her little eyes "shh baby don't cry, go night night for a little while for mama" I soothe as I stroke her cheek with my finger "sing mama" she said as her tear filled eyes met mine, I was a little taken back she's never asked me to sing to her before.

"what song do you want angel?" I ask as I move closer to her as she plays with my hands, she shrugs her shoulders and just watches me "I'll just sing a nice song, ok?" I said as she nodded and sucked her pacifier.

I think for a moment and then I remember a song that I used to sing Sofia when she was little and used to have nightmares, I guess it will do for now.

Caterpillar in the tree, how you wonder who you'll be
can't go far but you can always dream
Wish you may and wish you might
Don't you worry, hold on tight.
I promise you there will come a day
Butterfly fly away

Butterfly fly away
Got your wings, now you can't stay
Take those dreams and make them all come true

Butterfly fly away
You've been waiting for this day
All along you've known just what to do

Butterfly, butterfly, butterfly
Butterfly fly away

I finish the lullaby and look down to see Mya asleep, I carefully move my hand from her grasp and admire her for a few minutes, her peacefulness and innocence shines when she sleeps, "dream big little one" I say as I kiss her forehead and place her baby blanket over her.

Sinuhe's POV
"How long until Mila gets here?" Sofia asked for about the tenth time as she sits on the windowsill waiting for the SUV to pull up into our driveway, "I hope not much longer, I think someone is excited to see their sister" I said as she watches a car drive past our house "no, I want to see Mya" she said laughing.

I walk back into the kitchen to see Alejandro reading the newspaper and drinking some coffee, "I bet you just as excited as I am" I say as I playfully hit his shoulders "to see a child that has nothing to do with me, not really" he replied coldly as he continued to read his paper "watch you attitude mister, I will not have you upset our daughter or let alone our new granddaughter so I suggest you change your attitude before they arrive" I say sternly as I point my finger at him "THEIR HERE" Sofia screams as she runs to the front door, "and I suggest you change it fast I mean it Alejandro, don't say anything that will upset them!" I say as I make my way to the front door.

Camila's POV
We pull into my parents driveway and my driver parks the car, "CAMILA" Sofia screams as she runs into my arms "Sofia, I missed you so much" I say as I hug her and stroke her hair "yeah ok missed you to whatever, where is Mya?" She said as she smiled brightly whilst I pretended to act offended.

"There is my little baby" my mother says as she hugs and kisses my cheek "I missed you to mom" I say as I hug her tightly, "now where is that granddaughter of mine?" She said laughing as she placed her hands on my shoulder.

"She is sleeping in the car so both of you have to be quiet, if you wake up my child I swear I'll shoot you!" I say jokingly as I walk over to Mya's side of the car "also she doesn't understand Spanish yet" I add as I open the car door carefully whilst Sofia and my mother smile and get really excited.

Mya's POV
I can feel someone fiddling with my buckles and trying to pick me up, I stir as I'm lifted out of my seat and into someone's arms "shh it's just me you can still sleep baby" I hear mama say as I bury my head in her neck.

I can feel someone else's arms around me, I'm being taken away from mama, I open my eyes to find myself in someone's arms but it's not mama, I'm to sleepy to see who it is so I start to panic.

Camila's POV
As I lifted Mya into my arms my mother got a little to excited and took her away from me and cuddled her into her chest, maybe that wasn't such a good move!

"She is so small" Sofia said as she admired Mya in my mothers arms, suddenly Mya's eyes shoot open and she begins to look around to find she isn't in my arms.

"MAMA WHERE MAMA" she screamed as her face turned red and tears run down her face, I quickly take her from my mothers arms and cuddle her into me, "shh baby I'm here you're safe I promise it was grandma and Sofia" I soothe as I rock her in my arms.

"No go mama no go" she says whilst shaking her head "I'm not going anywhere baby girl, promise" I soothe as I kiss her forehead, "I'm sorry I didn't think she'd freak out" my mom said sounding extremely apologetic "it's fine she'll come around now" I reply as I rub Mya's back.

"The child needs a good spanking" my dad said as he walked over to us, obliviously taking it well! "After everything she's been through I wouldn't dream of laying a finger on her!" I fired back defending myself and Mya, "good spanking will do her now harm! Might actually teach her to stop acting like she is" he said as he stood behind my mother "I think you may have forgotten that child abuse is illegal now dad, besides I'm raising her the way I want to raise her" I said as I bounced Mya up a little "raise? Don't make me laugh Karla your not even nineteen you can't raise a child! You don't even know the first thing about children" he said more angrily, by this time my mother had persuaded Sofia to wait inside.

"I think I'm doing a good job just the way I am! I don't require your advice or so called help" I replied as I hugged Mya closely into me as her tears hit my chest "good we weren't offering any" he replied back coldly before my mother got involved "enough! Alejandro go and take a walk I warned you! Camila come inside we can clam Mya down then have a catch up" she said as she placed her hand on my back pushing me into the house before either of us could say another word.  Maybe bringing Mya to meet my family wasn't the best idea!

I know Alejandro would never act like this but I needed some drama 😂
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Xoxo Livia 💕💋

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