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*Above is the girls hotel*

Camila's POV
I just finished my natural makeup look and finally have my hair in a done and looking as though I spent more than 5 minutes on it.

The reason I'm making this effort you ask, I'm determined to find someone who'll make my family of two into a family of three.

I thought I found the person when I met Shawn but after our date we haven't seen each other and have only talked via text where we both agreed that our relationship would work better as friends.

Not much has happened since then, Lauren's been pretty distant from us lately so we assuming she's homesick and that she's feeling down so without her knowing we invited Lucy to Dubai to surprise her.

I change into my outfit that was picked out late last night, in the dark and when I had zero energy and was literally the walking dead, thanks Mya!

I change into my outfit that was picked out late last night, in the dark and when I had zero energy and was literally the walking dead, thanks Mya!

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*Camila outfit but she's wearing white converse*

After changing myself I slowly take Mya out of our bed and cradle her in my arms.

"Bubba wake up" I coo as I kiss her between her eyebrows, she stretches and wriggles in my arms before finally opening her little eyes.

"Good morning angel" I coo as she rubs her eyes and sucks her pacifier making cute little clicks.

I take her into the bathroom and sit her on the toilet "go potty for mama and then we can get you ready" I say as I kiss her tired head.

Whilst Mya goes potty I pick out an outfit for her to wear, since we land in an extremely hot country we've been advised to dress in outfits that won't allow us to overheat.

After picking out her outfits I go back to the bathroom to see how Mya is doing, "good girl baby! You went potty!" I say as I pick her up and kiss her cheek causing her to giggle loudly.

"Mama 'top" she said holding her one hand up to shield her face, I take her into the bedroom and put a diaper on her since it's a travel day and the outfit I just picked out.

After dressing her I sit her on the vanity table and start two French braids that go into buns on top of her head with a white bow on the left bun

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After dressing her I sit her on the vanity table and start two French braids that go into buns on top of her head with a white bow on the left bun.

"You look so cute bubba" I say as she smiles at herself in the mirror "go see auwnte 'ani" she asks sweetly.

"we'll see auntie mani in a second simba mama just needs to get everything" I reply as I start to put everything on the luggage cart for the hotel staff to take down.

"Do you want your stroller baby?" I ask before I decided where it goes "I wan 'ater" she replies as she plays with the face of her teddy bear.

After putting everything on the cart there's only one thing I have to do which is pack Myas backpack of toys and games.

I take her bunny bear from her but quickly replace it with her pink blanket which she holds to her nose, I hand her a pink pacifier since I can tell she's not her talkative self.

I quickly pack my own bag with my iPhone, chargers, my laptop, my headphones and some other Shit that I would never need.

I pick up Mya and carry her and the two bags to the elevator and head downstairs to wait for the girls since I'm really early.

I get to the floor I need and go over to get a table for all of us to already see Lauren sat waiting reading her book quietly.

"I hope you didn't want peace?" I joke as I pull out a chair and sit down whilst situating Mya on my lap.

"It's fine I love my little nena!" She says as she tickles Mya's cheek with her finger, this is the most we've spoken the past two days.

"Are you excited for Dubai?" I ask hoping to avoid an awkward silence, "yeah it's going to be great with Hawaii after it too give us a much needed break" she's says.

"Wassup dawgs!" Dinah says as she sits next to me taking my from my lap and sitting her on hers.

"I'd actually like my child to remain in one piece and not on a sugar high" I say causing her to roll her eyes and continue talking to Lauren.

After Normani and Ally meet us we load up the van and head to the airport.

Hopefully the person I want to find is on the other side of this plane

Camila's moving on!!
Just a warning that shits going down in the next few chapters!!

Will Camila find someone?
What's up with Lauren?

Comment what you think or pm if you can't wait and have to know the storyline 😂

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Xoxo Livia 💕💋

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