Every Goodbye Brings a New Hello

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Camila's POV
I stood from a distance and admired him, I never got to see his face properly in London, his hair neatly styled, his brown eyes focusing solely on the guitar strings as he strummed, the dimples in his smile that would appear after every clap and compliment.

His leather jacket is still hung on my coat rack at home, never used nor worn, like a dog without an owner.

Here he stood with the same guitar, the same smile, the same sparkle of hope in his eyes that one day he'll make it big in the world!!

"You move around fast!" I say jokingly as I approach him, "you haven't lost your child again have you?" He fires back chuckling as a few people toss some money in his guitar case.

"Your really good ya know" I say as I watch him count the rogue penny's and put them in a small bag, "at what? Catching kids or playing guitar?" He jokes smiling.

"Both I guess, but I meant the guitar! I've always wanted to learn but I've never had the time" I replied as he put his guitar carefully in the safety of its case.

"It's easy when you get the hang of it, never give up! You never know what is around the next corner" he said looking me in the eyes for the first time since we started talking.

"Your a life coach too! Is there anything you can't do!" I joke as he laughs.

"So ... I ... umm was thinking maybe you'd ...." Shawn started as he began to get nervous and stutter whilst running the back of his neck cutely.

"MAMA!!" Mya screamed from behind me "two year olds have impeccable timing" Shawn said before we both went over to see what the situation was.

"What's the matter angel?" I ask as she runs up and hugs my legs "I ..no .. know .. where you go" she said sniffling.

"Aww honey I was only over there, besides auntie ally had you safe" I say as I pick her up and cradle her in my arms rocking carefully from side to side to soothe her.

After I'd calmed down Mya I passed her to Dinah so I could finish my conversation with Shawn.

"You were saying .." I said laughing as he smiled, "I .... um .... well it's just ...." he said stuttering.

"Ask her out!!!" Dinah yelled "ask him out!!!!" Mya yelled before laughing at each other.

"They took the words right out of my mouth" Shawn said chuckling causing me to blush and smile brightly.

"I'd love to go on a date with you Shawn" I say chuckling at his wife smile.

"I'll pick you up at 8, what hotel are you staying at?" He asked before I wrote it down for him since I couldn't say it.

"See you later Camila" he said smiling before disappearing just like he did in London.

"Yes walz go girl!" Mani screamed whilst Mya and Dinah clapped for me, "don't you guys have anything better to do?" I said laughing before continuing our walk around the small part of Amsterdam.


"I have nothing suitable to wear!!" I screamed before flopping down on the hotel bed, it was 7:27 (😏) and Shawn was picking me up in over half an hour and I still only had half of my makeup done, nothing but a hotel robe around my waist and my hair up in a messy bun.

"Girl sit yo ass down let me do your hair and makeup and let Ally and Mani find you a perfect outfit" Dinah said as she sat on my bed and pulled me up to Dinah my makeup.

Ally and Mani were going through everyone's suitcases to find a date outfit, Dinah was finishing my hair and makeup and Lauren was playing airplanes with Mya in hopes of putting her to sleep. (I used to love this!! It's when you lie a kid on their stomach on your arms and slowly move them back and forth)

"It may have taken us a few hours but we think we've found something!!" Mani said running in with sweat on her head and a tape measure around her neck.

"TA DAH" Ally said walking in with a white crop top, a long white skirt and white heels.

"You guys!!! It's beautiful!!" I said whilst covering my mouth in awe, "well what are you waiting for go get it on!" Dinah said whilst pushing me into the bathroom to change.

"What do you think?" I asked walking out, "damn girl you lookin fine!!" Mani said whilst she high fives Ally, "girl that Cuban ass is looking on point" Dinah said as she laughed.

"Hurry he's going to be here any second!!" Ally said before her Mani and Dinah pushed me out of the room pulling me down the corridor, as I left I couldn't help but realise how sad Lauren looked .... it's probably just her homesickness again.

Lauren's POV
As soon as she walked through that door I knew I lost her.

I lost my first true love, the worst part is she doesn't even know how much love I have for her ...

I've lost the sun too my moon, although I would always comment on how stupid Camren was that was always an act!

I never meant to make it look like I didn't care or didn't have feelings for her ...

I tried my best to hide my feelings but sometimes it got too hard ... I thought about asking her out on a date but every time I opened my mouth the fear of rejection took over my ability to say how I really felt ... silencing me from using my voice.

I've lost her ...

Behind my smile is a hurting heart
Behind my laugh I'm falling apart
Look closely and you will see
The girl I am was
Never me

I'm never going to be good enough ...

I was the moon to her sun
I loved her so much that I died every night to let her breathe

I was only bright and happy when her berms of light shone on me when we perform together and are in interviews

She didn't need to be saved for the monster called Austin, she needed to be found and appreciated or exactly who she is ... and that just wasn't me

She has me until every last star in the galaxy dies she has me ...

But I've lost the girl I used to be ...

Shawn's POV
We just arrived at this amazing restaurant in Amsterdam which sat just opposite a the small river where Camila and I bumped into earlier except now it was more romantic.

Small light strung delicately from the rooftops lighting the pathway, a free bottle of the house wine sat on our table as did some sparkling water.

After the girls gave me a pep talk and a set of rules I noticed how nervous Camila was.

"I don't bite! What's got you so nervous?" I asked as I took a sip of my wine, "nothing ... it's just that the last date I went on, ended badly and I don't want to have to have my heartbroken all over again" she replied.

"If you have been brutally broken and you still have the courage to be gentle to people then you deserve a love draper than the ocean itself .... it's true beautiful things have dents and scratches too! We all have someone we never speak of, who meant so much, that even breathing their name makes your soul tremble with memories and pain, and that's ok Camila I promise you can trust me

Close your eyes to the old ends and open your heart to new beginnings for every goodbye brings a new hello

were all just walking each other

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