Late nights

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Camila's POV
As soon as we got in the hotel room Mya threw the half full bottle,of milk down on the floor "what's wrong baby?" I ask whilst picking up the bottle she threw down "not mama milky" she replied shaking her head "don't you like bottle milky?" I asked as I placed it back in the fridge, she shook her head.

"Bath time" I say as I pick her up and take her into the bathroom, I test the water to ensure its not too hot nor too cold, I carefully place Mya in the water but she is instantly not happy and starts crying.

"The quicker I wash your hair the quicker you can cuddle" I say as I rub some shampoo into her hair, "mama stop mama" she said in between wails but I just continued to wash all of the soap out of her hair.

I lift her out of the bath and let the water drain as I wrap her up in a fluffy towel "now was that so bad" I ask as her cries turn into hiccups. I carry her into the room and place her on the bed "papa" she said pointing to the pacifier on the bedside table, I gave it to her in hopes of keeping her quiet whilst I dressed her.

I put on her pajamas and pull up before taking the wet towel back into the bathroom and hanging it on the radiator to dry, I walk back out to see her cuddled in with her bunny and blanket.

I use this time whilst she is quiet to change into my loose shirt and shorts and take off my makeup from the performance and do my skin care routine, after pampering my face to ensure I don't get any spots.

I walk back out to the bedroom to see Mya sat waiting for a cuddle, I climb into bed next to her and cuddle her into me, "no cuddles" she said whilst wriggling out of my grasp, "what do you want then angel?" I ask confused "mama milky" she said whilst cuddling her blanket.

"Mama gave you milky earlier in your bottle" I say as she sits on my stomach, "not mama milky" she replied pouting, "is mamas milky better?" I asked confused by how she could already tell the difference she nodded and sucked her pacifier.

"no milky tonight you had it in your bottle earlier" I say as I'm to tired to nurse her "mama milky" she cried laying down on me "Mya I said no" I say lying her next to me "milky mama milky" she begged as tears run down her face.

"Mya I said no, now go night night" I say kissing her forehead as she continued to cry, I tried ignoring her but she was starting to give me a headache plus I was concerned that everyone in the hotel could hear her cries.

"Fine but if you mess around you won't have any" I say giving in as I felt as though my brain would explode any second, I helped her latch on and her cries stopped instantly.

It wasn't long before she stopped suckling and accidentally bit me, "OW! no more, that hurt Mya" I said de latching her and pulling my shirt down "I sowy mama, milky pwease pwease" she begged as she cried again.

"Mya your driving me insane!" I say as I try and latch her onto my other boob since the one she bit was sore, she didn't take as well but it kept her quiet, after awhile of her uncomfortable laying on me she tries to latch onto my other boob to get comfortable.

"Carefully! If you bite me I won't let you have milky from mama anymore" I say sternly before retuning my concentration to the book I was in the middle of reading.

After almost an hour of me nursing her I've had enough plus my boob is starting to ache, "that's enough no baby your hurting mama" I say as I de latch her.

I pull down my shirt and cuddle her into me, "go night night ok, mama loves you" I say as kiss her forehead and turn off the bed side lamp.

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