Skipped Naps

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Camila's POV
We leave for our world tour in a few days and for the first time ever I have all of my shit together and packed! This is a once in a lifetime experience that I will probably never see again!

"Mama!" Mya whined as she sat at the kitchen table "I have to get your food ready first angel" I said as I continued to prepare her afternoon snack, but of corse she was grouchy since she decided to stay awake until late demanding to be nursed and read story's!

"Here's your snack baby girl" I said as I placed the small plate of banana puffs and sandwiches in front of her, "tank you" she smiled as she looked at the snack.

"Mama is going to do some work while you eat your snack but I'm in the office if you need me" I said whilst kissing her temple and walking out to the office down the hall.

Mya's POV
Mama is busy doing work, she made me a snack but me wants her! I feel icky and want mama cuddles so I can go sleepy or watch movies!

I ate some nana puffs but I too sleepy! I want mama cuddles to make me feel better!

Camila's POV
I was signing some pictures ahead of tour for the V.I.P packages so it wouldn't need to be done at minute on the bus when Mya walked in through the office door and climbed on to my lap and whimpered quietly.

"Baby girl what's wrong?" I asked concerned as I cuddled her close to me and rubbed small circles on her back to soothe her.

"Mama feel icky and sweepy" she replied as her voice trembled "shhh mamas here mamas got you" I soothed as I whispered sweet nothings in her ears until shed fully calmed down.

"Did you finish you snack baby?" I asked as I picked her back up and carried her back into the kitchen, "I too sweepy" she said as she rubbed her eyes and cuddled herself into my neck.

"You have to eat something baby girl" I say as I place the somewhat eaten snack to the side "cuddles" she said as fresh tears rolled down her cheek, "shh angel don't cry" I said as I dried her tears with my thumb.

"You want mama to feed you?" I asked hoping to get her to eat something, she nodded as she lay her head on my chest.

I walked over to the fridge and began to look for something that she'd enjoy but wood also be easy for her to eat, I eventually picked up a carton of Apple sauce and got a small plastic spoon from the draw.

I sat back down at the kitchen table with Mya on my lap clingy to my shirt as I slowly fed her the apple sauce, "mama!" She whined as she tried to cuddle into me "you can have cuddles in one second just eat one more for mama angel" I said as I placed the spoon to her lips.

After she'd finished her small snack and I'd placed the trash in the trash can I picked her up and cuddled her into me "come on baby let go take a nap, I say softly before carrying her upstairs.

"Mama no nap! No go mama no go" she screamed as I lay her down on my bed with tears streaming down her face, "mamas not going anywhere, go night night for a little while" I coo softly as I stroke her hair.

"Mama no! No nap no sweepy! Uppy uppy!" She continued to scream as she lifted her arms up to me "no not now angel it's nap time, go night night"I say as  I hold her hands down since I want her to have a strict nap, eat, sleep, bath and basically daily schedule before we leave for tour and so afar I'm failing!

"Mya stop! It's nap time now go night night and mama will come and get you in a little while" I say sternly as I walk out of the room and close the door, she screams louder and louder as I slide down the back of the door and bring my head to my knees.

After a little while the screams stopped and silence fell! I carefully opened the door to see Mya asleep on the floor sucking her thumb, I quietly pick her up and lay her back on the bed with a pillow fort surrounding her and replaced her thumb with her paci.

I walk back downstairs and collapse on the couch, this child is going to be the death of me I swear! It'll make headlines, "Camila Cabello throws herself out of a window due to two year old refusing nap!"


I was signing the last few pictures for the packages when I headed soft cries from upstairs and realised Mya had been having a nap for almost an hour and was probably waking up.

I signed the last few and went upstairs to check on my little Simba who I'm hoping is still asleep since I could use a quick afternoon sleep!

I walk into my room to see Mya sat up awake crying slightly, so much for a quick sleep! "I .... so...wy I no ... it" she said though her cries, "what are you sorry for angel?" I asked as I walked closer to her before seeing what she meant.

"Angel it's ok it was an accident!" I say picking her up from the soaked sheets as I held her close whilst rocking her to calm her, "I so..wwy" she said whilst still crying.

"You don't have to be sorry baby girl it was mamas fault for not changing you" I say realizing I didn't put her pull up on, "let's go get cleaned up ok" I say carrying her into the bathroom.

I sit her on the bathroom counter whilst I run her a bath, "arms up angel"I say as I pull off her shirt and throw it in the clothes bin along with her shorts and pants.

I check the water to make sure it wasn't to hot nor to cold before placing her in the water and kneeling down next the bath.

"Mama .." Mya said as she looked down at the small duck in her hands "yes baby?" I replied "I have bawd dweam" she said still not making eye contact, "it's ok baby it was just a dream" I say reassuringly since I know she never wants to tell me about them.

"Can I tawlk to you abwout it?" She asked softly which took me by surprise since she's never talked to me about something this serious, "of course you can, you can tell me anything baby girl!" I say whilst rubbing her back softly to comfort her.

"There a bwad bwad man mama and he .. he .." She said as she trembled in fear "shh baby girl keep going, he can't hurt you know I promise" I say growing more cornered as I notice her tense up slightly.

"and ... and ... he huwrt me wight here" she said touching around her .. You know ..

"and ... and ... He hwas a big bat and huwrt me on head, and then the bwad man go away but mwiss Duwncan come and get me and she huwrt me too, I scawred they huwrt you mama like thewy huwrt me" she finishes as she continues to play with the bath toys oblivious to what she has just said had affected me in ways nothing ever should.

"What does the man look like angel?" I say softly as I whip away the tears from my face so she doesn't know that I'm sad.

"I no know" she said as she looked up at me "that's ok baby girl but nobody's going to hurt us ok, I promise your safe now and the bad man isn't going to hurt you anymore" I say stroking her cheek softly before embracing her in a tight hug which allows me to let out the tears that I've been holding in for so long.

I can't let Mya know that I'm sad or angry or maybe even scared, I have to be strong not for me but for her! She needs a strong role model in her life!

"Now let's get you dry and go cuddle ok" I say putting on a fake smile as I lift her out of the bath.

Is Camila putting too much pressure on herself to be perfect?
What about the man in Myas dreams?
Who is he?
Comment what you think is going to happen!

xoxo Livia 💕💋

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