Texas Performance

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Camila's POV
One sick toddler, six hours of sleep, three sippy cups thrown at me, two pacifiers and five girls covered in puke later ..... it was the day of the Texas performance! I would be much more excited if I wasn't so tired.

Yep you heard me everyone got hit by Mya's puke last night, "at least we don't smell anymore" Dinah said as we covered our selfs in many different perfumes "I smell like a perfume factory exploded!" Lauren said coming out of the bathroom causing us to laugh.

"At least she hasn't vomited in the last four hours" Ally said trying to lighten the mood, "if you just jinked it I will seriously beat your holy ass to the floor!" Mani said pointing her finger at Ally whilst getting her hair fixed.

"Ok, who would like the honours of holding projectile vomiter?" I said as Mya was sat up on the bed awake "not me!" Everyone said stepping back apart from Dinah who was too busy looking at her phone to pay attention "Dinah your job awaits" mani said poking her to help her realise what she'd missed.

"Oh hell to the no! Mila she's your child!" Dinah said trying to get out of her duty "you snooze you lose" I said before sitting in the makeup chair to get my makeup done, "child if you puke on me I'll throw you straight out of the window" Dinah said as she sat on the bed next to Mya.

"Dinah you can't do that were on the thirteenth floor!" Ally said as she got her hair straightened, "something will break her fall!" Dinah shot back playfully "yeah the ground! ... you break my child I'll break your neck" I shouted causing my makeup artist to jump.

"you say that a lot for a girl who's 5'7 in heels and struggles with opening doors" Lauren said playfully as she put on her outfit "I'll find someone to make your death look like a suicide" I said as my makeup artist did my mascara, "C.S.I don't help out anymore though" Mani said causing everyone to burst out in laughter.

"Dinah we can switch now!" I called as I finished getting my hair and makeup done and was just adding the final touches to my outfit, "yes I made it! No puke on Dinah!" She said as she danced coming into the bathroom "wish me luck!" I said jokingly as I went back to the bedroom where Mya was.

"Do you feel better baby?" I said as I sat down on the bed next to her, "a wittle" she said as she sniffled and coughed "do you feel like your going to puke?" I asked after she finished having a coughing fit, she shook her head as she rubbed her eyes.

"Come cuddle baby" I said as I picked her up and cuddled her into me with a blanket wrapped around her "papa?" She said pointing to the one on the bedside table, I gave it to her as she snuggled into me "your going to hate me but I have to get you dressed" I said as I lay her back down on the bed so I could get her outfit.

She whimpered as I lay her down "shh I'll be back" I soothed as I stroked her hair and kissed her forehead, I changed her into a loose top, some comfortable shorts before putting on her grey knee length socks and some bunny slippers before putting her hair in a messy bun with a small bow! Defiantly my child!

"Mya lets have a cute picture for my Instagram!" I say whilst gushing over her cuteness, I took the picture but Mya pulled a face since as I was taking the picture she saw Dinah, Lauren and Mani wrestling each other to the floor.

Bye Felicia 👋😂My child and her many faces 💕🌎

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Bye Felicia 👋😂
My child and her many faces 💕🌎

"Your so cute!" I said as I picked her up and kissed her cheek, "let's ditch this joint!" Lauren said walking out of the hotel room followed by the rest of us "mama I stawy with you" Mya said as we walked into the elevator "ok you can stay with me" I reply as she cuddles into me.


Since we left the hotel Mya has been really clingy but I don't mind since she is not feeling herself still, we arrive at the venue for our performance and we're greeted by Ally's and Mani's families.

"Mama, papa!" Ally screamed ruining into their arms "mom, dad grandma!" Mani screamed as she run to her grandmother, "they say them less than 24 hours ago!" Dinah joked as we all stood behind them.

"Hello girls!" Mani's grandmother said as she came up and gave us all a hug and a kiss "and who is this little thing" she said as she reached me with Mya in my arms, "this is Mya but don't get to close she is sick" I warned laughing "well she's adorable" she said as she walked away with Mani.

"Let's go get mixed up" Lauren said as we walked backstage whilst Dinah went to chat with some fans and Mani and Ally spent time with their families, "Mya I have to get ready to perform so I'm going to put you on this couch" I say as I place Mya on the couch.

Bad move! She started screaming but not like a normal scream, an ear piercing murder scream! "Mya shh I'm right here" I say calming her "no go stawy" she said as she held up her arms, "I'll pick you up in one second angel" I say as a crew member hooks me up to my microphone.

"Mya listen to me, mama has to go on stage soon so when she does you have to stay here with big rob" I say explaining to her as I continue to get ready for the performance.

"I'll be back before you know it angel, I promise" I say whilst raising my pinky which she happily takes "work it mama!" Mya said as I handed her off to big rob.


I walk offstage and grab a water bottle before going to see big rob and Mya, I walk over to them as he places his finger to his lips "where is she?" I asked quietly before he led me and the girls to Mani's grandmother who was holding a sleeping Mya.

"Grandma I'm not having kids!" Mani said as we walked in "she's a pure angel, take her away from me before I sneak her home in my handbag" she said laughing as I took her from her arms.

"Mama" she said quietly with her eyes still closed as she cuddled into me "how'd you know?" I said laughing lightly "I could smell you smelly spray" she replied before going back to sleep leaving us all laughing.

These last few chapters have basically been a puke fest 😂
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xoxo Livia 💕💋

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