Airport Struggles ~ One

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Camila's POV
We've finished touring parts of America and now we're moving on to the UK to do some shows and some press for our album, today the girls, Mya and I are flying into the UK.

I'm a little nervous, not about flying but about Mya. She's never flown on a plane before and struggles sometimes with the long bus journeys so I'm nervous to see how she reacts and if I can cope with the stress levels inside a confined space.

My alarm sounds unfortunately dragging me out of the little sleep I had last night, "mama no go .. Sleepy" Mya said as she began to whimper quietly .. She's like Dinah, hates waking up!

"We have to go bye byes angel" I say as I place her pacifier in her mouth to quiet her soft whimpers for me to stay, "we gos on aiwropwane?" she asked as she sucked her pacifier "yeah and we're going to go to somewhere called London" I say smiling as I change into my outfit that I picked out last night "wondon? Where tat?" She questioned as she sat up with her bed head and puffy eyes.

"It's far away, but we're going to have lots of fun! Lauren, Dinah, Mani and Ally are going with us too" I say as I brush though my hair, I'm trying to make the trip sound less scary and more fun, "who lawn?" She asked making me laugh "Lauren baby not lawn, and it's loo loo" I say correcting her as I realise she only knows Lauren by her nickname loo loo.

"Tat what I say lawn" she said confusing her self even more "don't worry baby it's just loo loo" I say trying to simplify things for her "oktay ... Why I call her loo loo but you call her lawn?" She asked as she lay back down on the bed, I guess she is going through the question phase!

"Well auntie loo loo's name is Lauren like yours is Mya, you call her loo loo because that's what you've always called her since when you were in the hospital, remember?" I say as try to explain the complicated situation as easily as possible "oktay I wemember" she replies as I sit next to her on the bed.

"Come here Simba I need to dress you so we can go" I say realising she's still in her pyjamas "milky?" She says as she smiles cheekily through her pacifier "okay you can have milky in your cup whilst I dress you" I say as at this moment I'll do anything to get out of the door on time!

I hand her the bottle of milk I made whilst I change her into her clothes that I picked out last night, I decided on nothing special or extravagant since she'd probably be running around the airport with Dinah and hopefully sleep for most of the plane ride.

"Ok your done I just need to put your shoes on" I say to myself as I go through my morning to do list, I grab her pink converse that she only wears out so it doesn't matter if they get dirty since they're covered in sand from her mountain walk with Ally and her family a few days ago.

I tie her hair in a loose ponytail since she wasn't in the mood for me brushing and styling it and by no means did she let me go near her head with a bow! I swear this child changes her fashion sense like the weather!

"Mama I no wanna go bye bye" she says as I sit her back up "why baby? Don't you want to see London?" I ask as I sit back next to her "I scared of the pwane" she replied as she continued to drink her milk, "aw honey, it's not scary I promise, you'll be with me the whole time" I say as I pull her into my lap for reassurance "oktay but I still scared" she replied, this was going to be a long day!


"Dang these fuckers must have trackers in our asses!" Dinah said as we pulled up to the airport entrance to see a mob of paparazzi and behind them the airport security attempting to control the fans.

"Girls stay together! It's crazy in there!" Big rob said as he opened the trunk to get our luggage out "mama the papawatzi" Mya said as her voice trembled in fear, "don't worry Mdawg  big rob is gunna whoop they're asses!" Dinah said laughing "DIANH JANE" Ally screamed as she punched Dinah's arm "oww" Dinah screamed whilst rubbing her arm.

"What did we agree! No cuss words in front of the baby!" Ally screamed causing me to laugh "sorry mom!" Dinah sassed holding her hands in a surrender.

"Who the baby?" Mya asked whilst she cuddled into me "you, you silly goose" Mani said as she tickled Mya causing her to laugh like crazy "I not a baby!" Mya protested in between laughs.

"Yes you are! Now stop growing up!" I say as I kiss her face causing her to scrunch up her nose "girls lets go!" Big rob said as he opened the doors "let's go angel mamas here they won't hurt you I promise" I say as Mya freezes up as she sees the flashes.

I pick her up and carry her out into the frenzy that awaits us, within minutes I can feel her tears hitting my shoulder, I try my best to comfort her but I have fans surrounding me and I don't really want the paps to picture her face so she's tucked into my neck shielding her eyes.

"Camz let me help!" Lauren shouts over the screaming fans and paparazzi before I know it she has Mya in her arms and she is pushing her way through the crazy crowd of fans and paparazzi, I follow behind whilst Ally clings to big rob since she's so tiny and Normani and Dinah cling to one another, so much for sticking together!

"GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY WAY PRICKS" Lauren screams at the paps as she throws her jacket over Mya to cover her from the flashes.

So much for a stress free day and this is only the beginning!

What do think?
Quick question! do you want:

A ~ Mya to have an identical twin who nobody knows nothing about (yes or no, if yes it might be in the sequel if I write one)

B ~ shawmila or Camren

C ~ norminah or laurinah

Thanks for all your love on my last chapter!
Vote, comment and share!
xoxo Livia 💕💋

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