Time out!

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Camila's POV
Today the girls and I have an album signing in the centre of London leaving the rest of the day free.

Everything has almost calmed down after yesterday's incidents, Dinah is refusing to be responsible for Mya whilst in crowds of people or anywhere else for that matter but I'm hoping she soon finds her confidence again .... I need as much help as I can get!!

I'm currently getting my hair and makeup done as Mya continues to sleep, "Camila stop looking at your phone I need to do your eyes!" My makeup artist said for about the tenth time, "sorry .... Again" I say chuckling as she fixes my eyeliner.

"Ok your done, I'll be in Ally's room if you need anything" she said as she walked out of my room and down the hallway to Ally's room, I change into my outfit which I picked out last night and check myself over in the mirror.

I walk back into my room to see Mya still asleep amongst all of the blankets and pillows, "Mya baby girl" I say softly as I sit next to her on the bed and rub her back.

"Mama sweepy" she said as she cuddled into the blanket more "I know but you have to wake up now angel" I say as I lift her up and carry he into the bathroom to get changed.

I tie her hair up in a messy bun and put on a casual dress as she whines from being woken up early, "mama uppy" she whined as I sat her on the bathroom counter, "one second baby girl" I reply as I put on her shoes.

"What's wrong with my little Mya boo?" I asked as I picked her up and walked around with her in my arms "sleepy" she said as she lay her head on my chest, "you can have a nap later ok baby girl" I say, knowing how much she hated having to wake up.

"What can mama do to make you happy baby girl" I said as I looked at the tiers and clingy child in my arms  "cuddles" she replied as she nuzzled her self into me, "ok I'll give you lots of cuddles and kisses" I said before smothering her in kisses causing her to laugh.

"I wuv you mama" Mya said smiling as she giggled lightly "I love you too Mya" I said as she smiled as I hit her nose with my finger.

"Right, enough fun and games" I say realizing she hasn't eaten breakfast yet, "what do you want to eat?" I ask as I sat her more upright on my lap, "umm .. Mwango, wasberries, buwberries and milky" she said smiling.

"Ok I'll give you milky first then you can eat your fruit with the girls downstairs, make sure loo loo and DJ don't steal any!" I say laughing as I remember Lauren's and Dinahs obsession with mango!

I lift up my shirt and undo my bra before helping Mya latch on, she starts sucking and cuddles into me as I smile before scrolling through tweets that fans had sent me.

"Are you done now baby?" I ask after awhile of nursing her, she de-latches herself and nods as I fix my shirt and bra "let's pack your backpack then we can leave" I say as she runs off and returns with her backpack.

I place her iPad, two pacifiers, her blankie, her stuffed animal that ally got her and a bottle of my milk that I prepared last night since she refuses to drink ordinary milk.

"Let's go angel" I say as I strap her into her stroller and hand her a sippy cup of juice to keep her occupied before throwing my bag and her backpack underneath the stroller.

We load up into the elevator and start making our way to breakfast to meet the girls before leaving for our meet and greet, thankfully the stroller is small and fits in a corner leaving a lot of space for the other people heading to breakfast.

We load up into the elevator and start making our way to breakfast to meet the girls before leaving for our meet and greet, thankfully the stroller is small and fits in a corner leaving a lot of space for the other people heading to breakfast

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I see Ally and Lauren sat at a table eating some toast and eggs, Mani must be still in hair and makeup and as for Dinah and her lazy ass .... Probably still asleep!

"How's life?" I said as I sat down on one of the free chairs "life is fucking ..." Lauren started before Ally interrupts her "Lauren Michelle may I remind you that no more than one meter away from you is a two year old!!" Ally scolded as I held in a laugh.

"Ally calm down she isn't even listening" Lauren said as she played on her phone "tell me that when she says one of the many words you say in an interview!" Ally said as she went back to eating her breakfast.

Lauren and I laughed and tried not to make eye contact as Ally rolled her eyes "mama what does fuck mean?" Mya asked causing us all to go silent.

I looked at Lauren and bit my lip, Lauren looked at Ally nervously and Ally looked straight ahead as if someone had just told her that they'd killed her cat!

"Nothing baby girl ... it's a bad word which you must not say" I say as I list her out of her stroller and into my lap, "but why? You say fuck all the time and loo loo does ... She always saying fuck" she said as I stopped her from going on.

"Stop saying that word! no more! It's a bad word" I say sternly as I pint my finger at her "ok I won't say that word anymore" she said as Ally breathed a sigh of relief and Lauren laughed into her cup of coffee.

"Mama, if I can't say fuck can I say shit?" Mya asked as Lauren spat out her coffee and laughed as Ally scolded her, "baby listen to me, no more! If I hear you say any more bad words I'll have to place you in timeout!" I say sternly as she nods quickly.

"I pwomise I won't say no more bwad words" she says sweetly before she wriggles out of my lap and walks over to Lauren who was still laughing at Ally who was scolding her for teaching Mya those words.

She stood to the side of Lauren's chair with her arms crossed sassily, "yes miss sassy pants" Lauren said as she turned to face her "you say bwad word!" Mya said trying to be angry but she was failing due to her cuteness.

"I know and I'm sorry I'll try not to say them anymore" Lauren said which we all know is never going to happen!

"Mama auntie loo loo needs a time out" she said as she ran back over to me "your right angel she does!" I say laughing as I exchange looks with Ally, "Go stand in the corner with your nose against the wall for 19 minutes" I say whilst pointing to the corner.

"Are you fucking ..." She started before I interrupted her "don't make me make it 38 now get in the corner before I drag you over there" I say as she rolls her eyes and walks over to the corner as Mya, Ally and I burst out into a fit of laughter.

"Hey guys, why's Lauren in that corner?" Mani asked as she sat down with Dinah following behind still asleep, "she say bwad word" Mya said as she ate some mango.

"Did she! Naughty loo loo!" Mani said laughing also "is loo loo having a time out!" Dinah poked as she laughed as Lauren growled at her "ech someone is in a shit mood!" She said covering her mouth after she realized what she'd said.

"Dinah Jane Hansen! How many times! Corner now for 18 minutes and do not aggravate Lauren!" Ally said sternly as Dinah walked to the same corner as Lauren.

"Haha suckers!" Mani said as she ate some pancake "welcome to the club!" Lauren joked as Dinah stood next to her pissed "shut the hell up before I beat your mothfuckin ass to the floor!" Dinah said jokingly.

"Dinah Jane make that 36 minutes! Do you ever learn!" Ally scolded causing me to laugh "ah shit" she said angrily causing Lauren to headbut the wall in front of her and me and mani to place our heads in our hands.

"Make that 54 minutes!" Ally scolded again "DJ keep your smart mouth shut!" Mya screamed causing us all to burst into a fit of laughter.

This is a spin off of the girls and their swear jar 😂
I really enjoyed writing this one!
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xoxo Livia 💕💋

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