Texas Or Bust ~ Part Two ~ Jealousy

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* I didn't proof read so sorry for any errors! 🙈 *

Camila's POV
We were all loading up the bus with our suitcases getting ready for the long drive to Texas! "Jesus Christ how many suitcases y'all need" Big Rob said as he placed yet another suitcase in the storage compartment under the bus, "please this is only half of it" Dinah said as she handed him another case.

"Load up girls we'll deal with the rest" Jordan our stage manager said, we all loaded onto the tour bus and sat in the front lounge "TEXAS OR BUST!" Dinah screamed as she collapsed onto the couch "this is going to be so much fun!" Ally screamed as if she were at a Justin Timberlake concert "GUYS WE HAVE WIFI I REPEAT WE HAVE WIFI" Mani said as we all ran to connect our phones, laptops and iPads.

Our driver Matt started the engine and we started the drive to Texas "we're rolling, rolling" Lauren sang as she made a vine causing us all to laugh, "you ok M dawg" Dinah asked as she picked up Mya and sat with her "I oktay DJ" she said as she cuddled into Dinah.

"Let's watch a movie!" Ally said as she sat next to me with the binder full of Movies "NOT NEMO!" Lauren screamed as she pointed at me "please, I love that movie" I beg "we guessed since it's all you watch" Mani said as she high fives Lauren.

"Paranormal Activity" Dinah said as she noticed the disk "yeah that's great" Mani agreed "agreed lets watch it" Lauren said as she played with Mya who was sat on Dinah's lap, "guys we can't Mya is way to young" I said disagreeing since I hate scary movies!

"Mila don't worry she won't watch it" Dinah said as Mya became occupied with her phone "but what is you know Mya gets scared" Ally said as she tried to come up with an excuse "she's too young to know what's going on anyway" Mani said as she smiled at Mya and tickled her "Mya or you and Mila Ally" Lauren said smirking "fine we'll watch it but if anyone gets nightmares I'm blaming you three" Ally said as she popped the movie into the TV.

"Mya come cuddle" I say as I take her out of Dinah's arms and sit with her in my lap in hopes she'll take my mind off of the movie, "no loo loo" she said as she pushed my hands away from her and ran over to Lauren, "loo loo I cuddle?" She said as she held up her arms "only because your cute" Lauren replied as she picked Mya up and lay her next to her and cuddled with her in the blanket.

"Mila .... Me and you" Ally said as she gave me a scared look "ohh hell yeah" I said as the credits started rolling as we cuddled into one another "haha you guys are such babies" Dinah said as she took s picture of us to post on her snapchat.

Half way through the movie that Ally and I were being forced to watch I looked over to see Mya watching it whilst being cuddled by Lauren "Lauren don't let her watch it she'll never sleep again!" I say as Lauren laughs "chill Camz she's fine" Lauren said as she returned her attention back to the movie.

"Mya if your scared we can turn it off" Mani said as Dinah paused the movie "no I oktay" she replied as she cuddled back into Lauren "that's my girl nothing to be scared of, and don't worry nothing going to hurt you auntie China will whoop they're ass" Dinah said smiling as she played the movie.

Throughout the movie Mya stayed and cuddled with Lauren, I must admit I did feel left out a little.

Lauren's POV
I was a little shocked when Mya preferred to sit and cuddle with me for the movie then with Camz but I think that with Camila and Ally screaming every ten seconds I would've picked me too!

"Thank god it's over" Ally said as she took her hands away from her eyes, "you didn't even watch it!" I said laughing "it scares me ok" she said as she fake pouted "ohh I'm sorry I didn't realize Mya bought two of her friends along" Mani said laughing as we all chuckled with her.

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