Bedtime Storys

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Camila's POV
We arrived in London in the early evening but due to the drastic time change and long haul flight we all decided that going straight to our hotel would be the best thing to do.

"Mama" Mya whimpered, she's been clingy and grouchy since we landed. I think she wants to either sleep or more milk but she drank two whole bottles on the plane and I don't really want to breastfeed her in the back of our car!

"Go night night sweetie, it's late" I say as I kiss her forehead and brush the stray hairs from her face "me no wanna go night night, me want milky" she said as she cuddled closer into me, another sign that she was fussy.

We finally pulled up to our hotel after a short drive from the airport.... That was filled with Mya's constant cries for milk!


We check in at the reception after talking and greeting our British baby's who waited outside our hotel for us almost all Day! Our harmonizers can be so adorable on times!

We all load up into an elevator which surprisingly can hold all of us and all of our luggage without having someone elbow you in the face like in Texas!

"Mama!" Mya said continuing to cry and whine as she wrapped her arms around me, "come on baby I think you tiered" I say as I pick her up.

"No! Me no ... Sleepy" she said In between yawns "I think you are" I said as I tickled her sides causing her to laugh "dejar de mama" Mya said as I continue to tickle her.

"Dame un beso primera" I say as she gives me a kiss "gracias Angel" I reply as she gives me an Eskimo kiss and giggles.

"You guys are just goals!" Ally says as I look up to see them all recording videos for their snapchat story's "no piwcters" Mya says as she buries her head into my neck.

"Lo siento nena" Lauren says as she kisses the back of Mya's head softly "está bien loo loo" Mya says as she turns her head to the side and smiles at Lauren.

I've noticed that Mya only speaks Spanish if she is clingy, upset or wanting to be babied.

I suppose it's her way of letting me know something is wrong other than in baby talk which in times can be almost impossible to translate!

Our elevator arrives on the top floor as it was most private meaning that we could just leave our hotel doors wide open and not have people walking past them, "let's go baby girl!" I say as I place her back down on the floor.

She walks to the side of me as I carry our overnight bags to our room, "hey Camz, if you need me no matter what the time I'm here" Lauren says as she smiles softly at me "thanks loo, you don't know what you just got yourself in for!" I joke as she laughs before closing her hotel room door.

"Mama milky now ... Me wait fowever" Mya whines as I place the bags in the corner of the room, "okay princess I'll get your cup now" I say as I go to find her bottle which is buried somewhere in my bag.

"No mama milky" she says as she hugs my legs "but mamas sleepy" I reply as I knelt down in front of her "pwease .... you pwomised" she says as she pouts and does her best puppy dog face.

"You know that face doesn't work on me" I say as I smirk at her "but want mama milky" she said as she placed her arms around my neck "can you have milk in baba for now and have mama milky tomorrow, mamas sleepy" I say as I stroke her hair and rub her back.

"Oktay but you have to pwomise" she said as she extended her pinkie which I happily took, "promise, now you can have some milk whilst I shower and then you have to brush you teeth and go night night" I said since I'd already changed her into her pajamas.

Lauren's POV
I was sat in my room bored out of my mind since the time change has fucked up my sleeping pattern completely!

I can here Mya laughing from Camz room and decided to go and see what they were up too, I knocked on the door softly as it opened to reveal Mya standing there in her pajamas and pacifier.

"Mya where is mama?" I ask as I walk into the room and close the door behind me, "she have a swower" she said which I unfortunately couldn't understand as she led me to hers and Mila's bed.

"Shouldn't you be asleep by now boo boo?" I say as I lift her onto the bed and sit next to her "me no sleepy" she said as she lay down and rest her head on my chest, "how about I tell you a story to help you sleep" I say as she smiles through her pacifier.

"Yeah loo loo tell stowy" she said as she clapped causing me to laugh "okay .. Let me think" I say as I try to think of a story my mom used to tell me since we don't have any books to read from.

"Once upon a time ......." I start as Mya looks up as if she was hypnotised by the story I was telling her.


Camila's POV
I get out of the shower and change into my shorts and shirt and brush my teeth quickly, I open the door to hear Lauren talking to Mya ... Mya must of gone over to her room whilst I was in the shower.

As I reached the corner I realised that Lauren was telling Mya a story not talking to her, I hid behind the corner listening and watching them unbeknown to them as Lauren continued on with her story.

"And I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll blow your house down!" Lauren said sounding like the wolf as she blew raspberries on Mya's neck "auntie loo loo stowp" Mya said in between her laughs, I can't take it anymore! I have to reval myself before I die from the cuteness levels!

"And what do we have here?" I say joining the pair on the bed "loo loo wead me a stowy mama about piggys and a wowlf" Mya said as she crawled into my arms.

"I heard" I say laughing as Lauren laughed also "loo loo Fwinish the stowy pwease" Mya begged, wanting to get to the end of the story.

"It's late now baby girl maybe tomorrow" I say realising that it's almost midnight "but mama" Mya whines "boo boo mamas right it's late and you should be asleep, I'll tell you the rest of the story in the morning" Lauren said as she kissed Mya's nose.

"Let's go and brush your teeth!" I say as I pick Mya up and sit her on the bathroom counter, "loo loo bwush my tweeth" she said sweetly "ok then it's night nights" I say as I hand Lauren her tooth brush.

"Show me your big wolf teeth!" Lauren said as she convinced Mya to open her mouth "roar!" Mya said as she raised her hands like claws.

"Ahh! don't eat me!" Lauren screamed as she quickly brushed Mya's teeth "all done! Sweet dreams little one" Lauren said as she kissed Mya's head and helped her off of the counter.

"Mama papa" Mya said as she rubbed her eyes "by bunny and blankie baby girl, go get ready for night night and I'll be there in one sec for cuddles" I say as she walks past me.

"Thanks loo" I say as I embrace her in a hug  "anytime Camz, I love spending time with my nena" Lauren said smiling "mama me want cuddles!" Mya called from the other room.

"Duty calls, goodnight loo" I say as she walks out and back to her room "goodnight Camz" she says as we close the doors quietly.

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xoxo Livia 💕💋

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